Chapter 3.5

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"Where is it, where is it.."

I had been looking for this place for almost an hour. The place where it all started and where I got a second chance.

But why the heck have I still not found it?!

I wanted to find that guy Chosh or whatever his name was, the weird chamomile dealer who made me lose consciousness and go back in time.

But there was no trace of his souvenir store anywhere. It was as if the store had vanished!

I memorized his name during class and recalled that he wore the same school uniform as students. However, when I asked if there was such a student among freshmen and others, Chabashira sensei replied to me that there was no one like that in the school's records and personally, she doesn't know the guy herself.

She looked at me crookedly when I asked her this question after class, and nervous me had to come up with the excuse that she had heard from friends outside the school that her cousin was also appealing to the school and she was simply wondering if he got in.

After a while, I finally found this narrow alley between some buildings.

This is where I was broken.

I thought as I flashed throught the moments when the cold rain showered my face.

"I am truly glad that such days of rain are no longer there."

I saw a luxurious and jet-black violet entrance door - completely different from the bamboo wood door that was here last time.

Pulling the handle, I stepped inside, expecting the familiar ringing sound when someone came to open the door, but I heard nothing.

"Did he remove the bell?"

The inside also just like the outside had completely changed. Now it was a bar in shades of black and bright violet instead of a souvenir store with different kind of things,

"What the-?"

I approached the stool with a hesitant step and took a seat, slowly pushing it out.

"Is there anyone here at all? The place is lonelier than the wild west."

I looked forward when suddenly something popped out from under the counter.



I almost fell off from the stool.

"Wait, why are we screaming?"

He said as I deadpanned .

It's him!

"It's you! Chamomile dealer dude! Choshe!"

A little different 'cause he wore the business outfit of a waiter.

"Ah! It's an impulsive blonde lady again! And it's Chosha! C.H.O.S.H.A!"

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