Chapter 3

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The Student Council President had finished his speech and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Listening to the same speech a second time had already made me mentally tired.

Still add the heat that is in school by the fact that it is currently April 1 doesn't help at all.

The rest of the day after the speeches and ceremonies consisted of getting accustomed to our new lives and reviewing the appearance of the student dormitory apartments. 

I was able to finally go to bed and get some rest. And I accidentally fell asleep very early, close to 18:00, and I think it was due to my mental fatigue rather than physical fatigue. It was a really tough day, and I couldn't even spend a moment of time with Kiyotaka, how much I wish I could satisfy my hunger to spend time with him mouuu.

Waking up was not too difficult, however, I was a little disappointed in myself. I used to be able to get up at 6:00 without any problem, because sometimes my beloved Kiyotaka would tell me to be ready at that time for assignments.

And yet, instead of waking up at 6:00, I woke up an hour later despite me going to bed so early.

Destiny had already arrived, and I was sitting in class, laying in my seat through boredom. There was still almost no one there, and I had come quite early. Why? Because of the person who sits by the window.

Hihi, my Kiyotaka is there, and I haven't seen him since leaving the bus. Also during President Horikita's speech, I was too short and the rest of the people obstructed my view of Kiyotaka.

Yep it was a torture...

But I made it through!

 Even when I slept for so long, and yet...


The sound a sleepy me escaped my soft lips.

I blushed instantly, covering my mouth to erase the bad impression. After a moment, I reminded myself that no one was even in the class yet, yes there is no one but...



Turning my head faster than the light, I saw that Kiyotaka had been watching me the whole time with a raised brow again.


I felt my blush still deepening. If someone checked me with a thermometer, the meter would probably jump off the scale! Mou!

I made myself a laughing stock in front of him!

I turned around quickly so he wouldn't see me like this. I had already humiliated myself enough.

Why do I always have to embarrass myself like this in front of him?! 

I bet he's laughing at me in his mind right now!

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