How Wendy Met Jason

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Like Jay-C, Jayden's skills improved the more he battled with the girls. Wendy got him a better set of gear as a reward for doing so well, and also because he desperately needed the new gear since he needed it if he was going to battle with the girls.

"Hopefully you don't fall of the platform Jay-C." Jayden would always tease Jay-C about her accidentally falling off of the sniper's perch. The charger main would just laugh and playfully punch him in the arm whenever he teased her.

"Enough you two. We've got a match to take part in." Wendy shook her head before nabbing three spots in a lobby for her and her two idiotic teammates, ready to take on whoever dared to take her down.


Bluefin Depot was the stage the three were playing Turf War at, and they were winning by a long shot. Wendy noticed that a somewhat beginner Inkling boy on the enemy team seemed a bit nervous and made mistakes every now and then. She felt bad for him, but mainly focused on her own team as she took the enemy turf, swinging her roller whenever she needed to.


"You're useless you know that?!" Wendy frowned while watching the enemy team yelling at their teammate who had been nervous the entire match. The other Inkling that had played with her and her teammates left when this started happening. The enemy team left the nervous player after that, causing Wendy to get pissed off. No one was useless in her eyes, and she would teach them a lesson one day.

"Don't listen to those assholes. They're just salty cuz they lost to a few minorities." Wendy had approached the Inkling boy, who had sat down and looked like he was going to break, and held out her hand for him to take.

"You can join the three of us. We've been looking for our fourth teammate anyway, and it'll give you a chance to prove to those fuckers that you're not useless." Wendy smiled as the boy took her hand and got up, staring at her with wide eyes.

"I-I'm Jason." Those were the only words Jason managed to say before he was given an official introduction and welcome to Team Minorities. Wendy had a smile on her face as she looked at her newly formed team, proud that she was the leader of this small crowd.

How Wendy Met Her Teammates and Became Agent 3Where stories live. Discover now