How Wendy Met Jay-C

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It was a normal day in Inkopolis, and Wendy was getting ready for a Turf War. Being 15 and without a team, she usually was a loner and was mainly alone while getting the most splats and inking the most turf. She played to have fun, but also win so she could finally move out of the foster house she lived in due to having an abusive foser father who had done something unforgiveable to her the month prior.

While getting her weapon set up, she noticed a somewhat newbie female player getting out a Splat Charger before entering Inkopois Tower. Personally, Wendy preffered rollers, but she didn't judge other players for what their preffered weapon choice was. Wendy just finished getting her Tempered Dynamo Roller ready and walked into Inkopolis Tower as well, nabbing the last spot in a regular battle lobby.


The stage was Urchin Underpass (RIP to that stage. Had fun trolling people with the Bento Splatterscope there.) and Wendy noticed that the Splat Charger user was on her team. Ok, no big deal. Just let the girl do her thing and it'll be fine. But Wendy decided to keep an eye on the charger user due to how nervous the girl seemed to be.

As the 3 minute timer started, Wendy noticed the girl take off to one of the side routes. Wendy herself took to the path in the middle while setting down a Seeker when it was needed.

Out of nowhere Wendy almost got splatted by a N-Zap '89 user after running out of ink but the charger user managed to splat the N-Zap user with a Splat Bomb. Wendy glanced at the female charger user, who just winked at her and sniped another Inkling on the other team.


The match ended with Wendy and the other three people on her team being victorious. Wendy was starting to pack up when the female charger user approached her.

"You know, you were pretty cool out there with that roller of yours." The charger girl smiled. Wendy just nodded.

"Just some stuff I picked up on from my friend." Wendy shrugged as she packed up her roller, thinking about how her best friend had taught her everything she knew.

"I bet your team is lucky to have you." The charger girl said.

"I don't have a team. Just haven't found the right people, I guess." Wendy shrugged again while continuing to pack up.

"Say, I've been looking for a team too. What do you say we form a team together?" The charger girl smiled. Wendy paused a bit before smirking.

"Ok, I'll do it. But I wanna be the captain since I've been doing Turf War for longer." Wendy said. The charger user nodded before extending out her hand.

"Fine by me! I'm Jay-C by the way." The charger user, or Jay-C as she called herself, smiled at her newly found friend.

"I'm Wendy." Wendy then shook Jay-C's hand while smiling herself.

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