Chapter 5

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It was late when Dream woke up, and he immediately noticed that Fundy was no longer tucked under his arm. He kinda missed the warmth. Stretching his neck and testing his wings, Dream made his way to the kitchen. Speak of the devil. Fundy was there, cooking up breakfast with Tubbo at his side. Dream watched them for a moment.

Tubbo was cutting up spinach while Fundy was whisking a bowl of eggs and cheese, both of them even wore aprons. Fundy's was one that Sapnap had gotten Dream as a gag gift and said "kiss the cook." Tomatoes sat on the counter waiting to be chopped and the carton of milk still stood on the counter. Soft music was playing from the jukebox and Dream recognized it as one of Tommy's discs. The scene was so domestic. Fundy noticed him first, smiling and blushing a little at Dream.

"Dream! We're making omelets!" Tubbo was apparently very excited for food.

"Sounds great, where are the others?"

"Tommy and Niki are still watching the girl, she hasn't woken up yet." Fundy told him which room they were in and after tussling Tubbo's hair, Dream made his way there.

They had put Nyx in Dream's small infirmary and she seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Tommy was asleep with his head resting on the end of the cot. Niki must have thrown a blanket over his shoulders when he fell asleep. Speaking of Niki, she was sitting at the small table, reading a book, and looked up when he came in. She motioned for him to be quiet and smiled.

"Tommy stayed here during the night to make sure that if she woke up someone would be here. He fell asleep right when I took over." They both chuckled at that. That boy had the biggest heart out of almost anyone. He looked over at the two teenagers fast asleep, this was good.

"Fundy and Tubbo are making breakfast, you should come get some. They'll be ok for a little while."

"Yeah, ok. Oh, do you have yeast? I thought about making some bread later."

"Probably, we can check the pantry this afternoon." The two made their way back to the kitchen and sat at the counter. Soon steaming omelets were placed in front of them and Tubbo left to eat with Tommy in the infirmary. This left the three adults in comfortable silence, finally being able to relax.

None of them left the base that day, having a somewhat peaceful moment was rare for the group. Niki found some yeast and forced Tommy to help her knead the bread, which he turned out to be quite good at. Tubbo joined in too but that soon led to the two boys throwing flour at each other. The house was filled with the smell of baking sourdough and the sound of gleeful laughter. Dream and Fundy sat on the couch, half watching a movie, half watching the flour battle unfolding in the kitchen.

It was a nice day. None of them had gotten any messages on their phones, which set Dream on edge but he quickly forgot about it as Fundy once again cuddled up against him. Except this time he was awake. They were watching some cheesy comedy Dream would have never picked but it was worth it to hear Fundy's cute fox laugh. This was good. They would be happy here. They would be together.

Later that day, Fundy took up what Tommy had dubbed "Night Watch" after finding out the girl's name was Nyx. After some initial confusion, Tommy had explained that Nyx was the daughter of Chaos and the personification of Night. Since that reveal, Tommy spouted more greek mythology, and Dream was happy to learn. He told Dream that when they were little, Phil would read them mythology as bedtime stories. Then when Phil left on his adventure, Techno took up the tradition. When Techno left to go find Phil, that tradition kind of ended.

Dream could tell that Tommy was getting saddened by this line of conversation so he asked him: "What's your favorite mythology story?"

"I don't know if it's my favorite, but I like the story of Theseus. Techno always said I reminded him of him. I'm not sure if that's a good thing though, he died."

"Oh, yeah maybe not," Dream wheezed a little, "weren't most greek stories kinda tragic?"

"Yeah, that or just really stupid. They knew gods existed and they still constantly talked shit about them. Oh! There was this one guy, Tantalus-" So Dream listened to the story of this cannibal guy and many others until Tommy eventually tired himself out and fell asleep on the couch. Dream smiled at the boy and picked him up to take him to his room. After sleeping sitting down last night, it'd be good for him to sleep in a real bed.

Tucking him into bed and turning off the light, Dream gently closed the door and went to go check on the others. He made his rounds and then headed to his own room. It wasn't huge, just big enough for his bed, desk and wardrobe. He flopped on his bed, throwing his mask on the floor and was about to force himself up to get his pajamas when his phone buzzed. Oh Prime, that's probably not good. Looking at the message he was slightly surprised to see it was from George.

Georgenotfound: Dream, come to the Holy Land tomorrow at noon. There's going to be a meeting. Don't miss it ok?

Dreamwastaken: I won't. I assume this is about my recent actions?

G: No shit dude. Schlatt is pissed. Be careful

D: I will be. You too.

Dream sighed. This really wasn't good. But he was never going to give them back. There was a knock at the door and it was slowly pushed open to reveal Fundy's shock of orange hair. Dream quickly turned around.

"Shit. Hold on." Fundy looked at his turned back, then saw the white mask on the floor.

"Oh Prime, I'm sorry Dream. I didn't know-"

"It's fine. Really," He had fixed the mask back onto its rightful place.

"Nyx is showing signs of waking up, you should probably be there when she does."

"Oh, yeah of course. Let's go." They walked down the hall, trying not to make much noise. On the hospital cot, sitting up and fully awake, was Nyx. She looked over at them and managed a small smile directed towards Dream.

"I guess we're a bit late," Fundy said with a laugh. Nyx seemed to be studying him.

"How're you feeling Nyx? Any better?"

"Yeah. Thank you, my wrist is still hurting though, you were right about it being broken." Fundy held up a finger and went to grab a healing potion from the chest. He handed it to her but she just looked at it. "What is it?"

"Oh, it's just a healing potion. It'll help your wrist heal faster." She didn't look convinced but took a sip and waited. What is she- oh Prime. Dream remembered what Niki had said when she told him about Nyx: she was injured and heavily sedated. After waiting about a minute and feeling no other symptoms, she chugged the bottle.

"Where are we? And who are you?" The last question was directed towards Fundy who hurriedly introduced himself.

"We're at my home, you passed out about a mile away. I rescued four others as well and we're all living here now. You're welcome to stay, you'll be safe here."

She shook her head vehemently, "I can't. Schlatt will be here soon, he won't let me go. I have to run, you won't be safe with me here."

"Woah there, Schlatt doesn't know where we are, and trust me, I can take him. We'll be fine." She didn't look convinced but was too tired to argue too much. It was quite for a minute then Tubbo popped his head into the room.

"Oh hi! You're awake!" She stared at him, a shocked look on her face.




I'm super pumped for this. Cliff hanger bitches! I hope you like Nyx. Also a little insight into Tommy's backstory! If you have suggestions lemme know! I don't have a solid plan for where this is going so if you have ideas let me know. Thank you for reading!!!

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