🌸 Chapter 8: Birthday Kiss🌸

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Haoxuan and Jiyang comes daily since they saw Yibo, when Zhan is out they are teaching Yibo naughty things.

" Haoxuan gege, Zhan gege's birthday will be coming I wonder what will I gift to him, I don't know what he likes". Yibo said.

" What about we go shopping, we will buy our gifts for him too". Jiyang said.

" Okay". Yibo said happily.

The three went to the shopping mall, Haoxuan bought Zhan an expensive watch, Jiyang bought an expensive necklace.

" So did you find the gift you will give to your Zhan ge?". Haoxuan asked.

" Not yet, but I have an idea now what would I gift him". Yibo said.

" What is it?". Haoxuan and Jiyang asked.

" Where can I buy an embroidery set gege?". Yibo asked.

" I see, are you going to make him an embroidery?". Jiyang asked.

" Mmn, it's my hobby before so I plan to make it for gege". Yibo said.

" That's good I am sure he will like it". Haoxuan said.

Jiyang and Haoxuan lead Yibo to an embroidery shop.

Yibo bought a set and when they got home he started to sew a rabbit pattern on it.

Yibo locked himself in his room and only go put when Zhan is calling him, breakfast, lunch or dinner.

But most of the time he is on his room, they have a short break so he is only at home.

Sometimes Zhan got curious of what he is doing but Yibo always ignore his questions.

He finally finished the embroidery one day before Zhan's birthday, he showed it to Haoxuan and Jiyang and they got shocked by yibo's talents.

" I am sure Zhan will love it". Jiyang said.

Haoxuan smirked when an idea comes to his mind.

" And he will like it more when you add something for his gift". Haoxuan said.

" What is it gege?". Yibo asked.

Then Haoxuan whispered something in yibo's ears.

" Are you sure gege?". Yibo asked.

" Mmn, I am so sure he will love it". Haoxuan said.

Jiyang had an idea of what Haoxuan whispered to the innocent Yibo and he is sure that it will cause a great shock to Zhan.

And then finally the day of Zhan's birthday come.

Everyone in the mansion was busy. Everyone was preparing a party for Zhan.

As the party started everyone present in the party was greeting Zhan and giving him gifts which Zhan accepted with a smile.

Zhan was waiting for yibo's gift but he got quite sad when he got nothing from the younger.

Yibo wanted to give Zhan his gift but he waited for the party to finish before he give his gift.

All the visitors were from high class families, some wanted Zhan to meet their daughter but he made many excuse to leave.

Soon the party finished, everyone left.

Yibo pulled Zhan to his room and gave Zhan his gift, Zhan was so happy and accepted the gift and when he saw it he got emotional.

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