The Sacrifice

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Abigail had become something of an expert at sneaking out of the white two-story house on Maple Street. Slowly close her bedroom door, skip the fifth step from the bottom of the staircase, tiptoe to the always unlocked back door. It wasn't complicated, in fact, it was becoming more of a routine.

Elena's voice cut through the darkness, "Where are you going?"

"Elena!" She spun around, facing her with an expression that felt forced. "I didn't realize you were awake."

"I wasn't. I heard a noise." Elena stepped out into the hallway, crossing her arms over her chest. "Where are you going?"

The clock ticked by, telling her just how much time had passed, but she didn't say a word. She stood there with wide eyes as the only feature of her expression, giving away what neither of them had to say. She'd been caught doing something she shouldn't have, but she wasn't caught doing what she had intended.

"Katherine was right, wasn't she?" Elena was observing her, she realized. Not just in the way she thought she had been. She was observing her the way should have been. "About a secret boyfriend?"

It was the question she had been dreading, the question that she thought she would be able to avoid. "Elena, I-"

"Who is it?" Taking a small step forward, Elena pressed, "Is it Tyler?"

"What? No." She shook her head, bottom lip between her teeth. "I-"

"The truth would be nice, since I haven't been getting that apparently." She looked her up and down. "I know something is going on with you."

"Elena, please," she finally got out.

"Abigail, just tell me!"

Jenna's light turned on down the hall.

"Please, not now." The desperation in her voice had turned into something else: fear. "Not now, Elena."
"I'm not going to just let this go," Elena jeered. "Not this time."

Jenna came out of her room, rubbing at her eyes and yawning. "What is going on out here?"

"Nothing," they answered in the same angry tone.

Jenna looked at them, the sleep in her eyes unable to hide what she was thinking: she'd answered that question the same way. "Abigail, I won't ask why you're still dressed in the middle of the night. Elena, I won't ask why you're yelling in the middle of the night."

Abigail shook her head. "Jenna-"

"No." Jenna ran a hand down her face. "Go to bed."

Elena went back to her room. "I'm sorry."

"We'll talk about it in the morning."

Abigail did not move.

"Go to bed," Jenna repeated. "Now."

"We're fighting. We have been for a week. She thinks I'm hiding something from her, but I'm not. I've just been busy with school. There's nothing to tell. I'm just..." Abigail trailed off, taking her time to state, "I just needed to clear my head."

"Your mom and I used to fight about the same things. I always thought she was keeping something from me. I don't know if she was, but now it doesn't seem so important." Jenna sighed, her body relaxing. "But sneaking out? After everything with Jeremy? You can't blame her."

"I know," Abigail sighed.

Jenna shuffled forward, her tired arms wrapping around Abigail. "You can always come to me."

She knew that, she knew that as well as she knew she couldn't.

"It won't happen again," she lied.

"I know." Jenna pulled back with a yawn. "Goodnight, Abigail."

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