Lol Sry Not Sry

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Hey, long time no write, am I right? Anyway, I see you right there probably awaiting my next chapter to come. I have to say some things in order to speak up for myself.
1. School is not soo cool as you may know and I have been having some trouble learning and stuff. So when we got the semestrial vacation (idk if its a thing in America or not but in Romania it's a 1 week vacation between semesters) I was really happy and decided to rest and maybe work more on school.
2. My eyes have been killing me(I can't wait to get my glasses, I fell like I will go blind)
3. I really enjoy reading other peoples books so I might have spent more time on that than on my own book (sry not sry)
4. I also enjoy watching new anime (HAVE U SEEN THE NEW EP OF AOT??? OMG EREN 🛐🛐)

Oh well, I already have a chapter that may come tomorrow. Hewewhwehwehe

My Demon In Shining Armour (Melizabeth Lemon) ✨Adopted By @meliodasmeattoilet ✨ Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum