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Erca Pov

"NO!!!!!" I screamed. I opened the door as quickly as I could hoping to find Ben and revive him. Only, he wasn't there. there was only a whole in the ground do to the explosion. "Where is he?" Mike asked, still sobbing from what happened. "He must have disintegrated," Cyrus said calmly. That was when I felt the piece of paper that I had in my hands. We exited the room and hijacked a car "I'm not going in without Ben!" Mike screamed. I haven't seen him this messed up in a long time. Scratch that, I have never seen him this messed up. "We can't get him!" Cyrus exclaimed. "He is dead".

Instead of getting in the car, Mike fainted and fell in the car. I secretly unfolded the piece of paper and read it

Dear Erica,

If you are reading this then something went wrong. I might be dead or I might be alive. Anyhow, if i'm alive then meet me at the airport right where I got shot.

Best, Ben

PS. If you do not find me there, then that means that I am dead.

PPS. If I don't get to see you again, i just want to say that I have a huge crush on you and that I would choose you over Zoe

I knew what I had to do.

We drove off to a motel. This hotel was the opposite of the other one though. It looked just like the one from skiing. "Won't Alexander know that we are hiding out in a suckish motel?" Chip asked. "No, he would think that we are hiding out in the open'' Cyrus said.

"but what if he knows that we think that we want him to think that we are hiding out in the open?" Chip asked "Please stop, my brain is hurting me" he responded back

We got to our rooms and settled in, IWe had to share with the usual people except now Cyrus and Mike were sharing a room and Alexander was not here. 

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