Spiderman and Eraserhead vs. Sandman

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Izuku was in the teacher's brake room waiting for Aizawa "so what is it problem child?" Aizawa asked as he walked into the room "well I was wondering if you would help me find Flint Marko he escaped from a crime scene and I think the league helped him so he might have info on them we can use if we capture him." Izuku said.

"Alright what's his quirk?" Aizawa asked "he's quirkless which supports my theory cause I had him webbed up to a lamppost." Izuku said and Aizawa nodded "let's get to it then." He said walking out the room with Izuku right behind him putting his mask on "if we hear any type of robberies we check it out and stop it." Izuku said.

"Why?" Aizawa asked "he's always robbing places saying "this is going to be my big score" he never gives up." Izuku said as they leave the building "try and keep up Spiderman." Aizawa said swinging away with his capture scarf "seriously ok." Izuku said as he started to swing and past Aizawa 'I got to learn his technique.' Aizawa thought.

<three hours later>

"Alright Midorya I think it's time to head back to U.A." Aizawa said "yeah I guess your right." Izuku said but then they see an armored truck swerving through the streets "right after we stop that truck." Izuku said jumping into action and Aizawa right behind us.

'This kid is a real hero.' Aizawa thought as they land on top of the truck Izuku goes to the front of the to see what was going on to see it was filled with sand "what the hell." Izuku said then he crawled on the side and looked inside to see "Flint I've been looking for you all day so just tell who you're working with and come peacefully." Izuku said.

"You know I don't work with others." Flint said as he turned his hand into a hammer "what the f-" Izuku was cut off by Flint hitting him in the face, Izuku shoots a web line to the above where the missing doors are and was being dragged on the road.

"Eraserhead do something." Izuku said then Aizawa went inside th truck "Flint Marko your under arrest for illegally using a quirk and robbery." Aizawa said and was about to walk forward but his feet were stuck to the ground, he looks down to see that sand was holding him in place then he was punched out of the truck.

And hit the ground rolling "ERASERHEAD!" Izuku yelled and started climbing up the web line to get inside the truck "sorry Flint but your to go beach day has come to a end." Izuku said as he get inside the truck and punched Flint, but his hand went straight through him "this can't be good." Izuku said before being punched in the face.

Izuku went flying from the punch but was able to shoot two web lines inside the truck and slingshot himself back inside and kick Flint "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST STAY OUT OF THE WAY?!" Flint yelled before disappearing into sand in the wind "what just happened?" Izuku asked then his spider sense went off and he looked out the windshield, to see the truck was going to hit a fire hydrant.

Izuku pulled the driver out of the sand and shot a web before throwing him to it, then the truck crashes into the fire hydrant making flip over and brake the fire hydrant "ow that's gonna leave a mark." Izuku said as he tried to stand but a sharp pain in his leg stopped him "shit it's broken." Izuku said as he used his webs as a makeshift cast.

"SPIDERMAN WHERE ARE YOU?!" Aizawa yelled running down the street "IN HERE ERASERHEAD *cough* I have a broken leg and one or two broken ribs." Izuku said Aizawa got to him "shit let's get you to Recovery Girl's office asap." Aizawa said dragging Izuku out of the truck.

<time skip>

Kyoka burst into Recovery Girl's office and ran to Izuku "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK DOSE ANYTHING HURT?!" Kyoka yelled panicking "Kyoka calm down I'm alright." Izuku said "oh thank god." Kyoka said with a sigh of relief "you should of seen Flint he turned into a sand cloud and left." Izuku said "wait isn't he quirkless?" Kyoka asked "he was but not anymore." Izuku said.

To becontinue.......................................

(a/n this was the last filler chapter for awhile anyways hop you enjoyed see you next chapter of The Spider Hero.)

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