Where Am I?

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[???'s POV]

I felt like my entire body was in pain, but not much, though. I opened my eyes slowly as I stood up to my feet, only to fall back down on my feet.

"Crap... where am I?" I ask myself, not entirely sure where I am or how I got there as I rub my aching head.

I look around to see the sky was pitch black, clouds everywhere with tons of rock formations around me as well as small green stones lodged in the ground here and there.

"What the...? What is this place?" I ask myself as I finally stand to my feet, turning my head around to find any sign of life.

"Ahem. And you are?" a gruff male voice asks me from behind, making me turn to see who spoke.

I saw a smaller red creature, roughly about half my size or so, with dreads, blue eyes, bushy white eyebrows, and a white goatee. He wore a rather tribal-looking outfit, and he seemed rather upset about something.


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"U-uh... who're you... s-sir...?" I ask, frightened that this thing could talk.

"I'm the one asking the questions here, kid," the creature said. "Who are you and why're you here? You after the Master Emerald or something?"

"Master... Emerald?" I question. "What's that?"

"You seriously don't know what the Master Emerald is?" the red thing asked me. "Then I guess you're no threat. You look pretty harmless."

"Hey..." I say, upset that this thing was calling me harmless even though I kinda agree with him.

"Anyways, what's your name, kid?" the creature asks me. "I'm Locke."

"Erm... I-I'm [Y/N]," I tell Locke. "Where are we?"

"Angel Island," Locke tells me as he walks away. "C'mon, kid! Gotta find you a way home, right?"

"R-right!" I say, jogging to catch up to him. "Erm... what are you exactly?"

"An Echidna," Locke tells me. "And you're human. Not many of those around Mobius. Especially friendly ones."

"Well, that's unfortunate," I say, sad about hearing about both things he said about humans. "And Mobius? I've never heard of such a place."

"Really?" Locke asked me. "Aw, great! Another random kid who got himself stuck in this dimension. Just great!"

"Another?" I question to myself as a giant green gem appearing in my vision. "Woah..."

"A beauty, ain't she?" Locke asks me. "That there is the Master Emerald. The most powerful object in the universe."

"That's gotta give some serious firepower..." I tell myself as the thing seems to glow by itself.

I then notice two figures near this so-called "Master Emerald". One was a bat-like creature wearing a skintight body suit with white and pink gloves and boots.

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