Family Reunions

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[Sally's POV]

I was in my father's room, sitting down on his bed as he layed asleep in his coma. It saddened me every time I saw him like this. My father has lost so much during his life. His kingdom, his family, and now he can't even wake up. After we've seen so much loss, I can't just let him go. Doctor Quack says that the machine he and Sir Charles built might bring Dad out of his coma... but we need a Chaos Emerald to give it enough power. I know I won't be able to go look for it. I have too much to do here at home. But, thankfully I have three friends willing to do it for me.

"Don't worry about a thing, Sally. Rotor and Tails rigged up something that should make emerald-grabbing a walk in the park!" Sonic's voice tells me, making me turn to see him, Tails, and Y/n. "Or run, in my case."

"In theory, at least," Taiks said nervously. "But we won't let you down."

"We'll get that Chaos Emerald you need to get your dad out of that coma in no time!" Y/n tells me, making me smile at his optimism. "And he'll be awake and walking around just as fast!"

"Thank you," I tell the three. "This means so much to me."

"I know what it means to be missing your family... and not being able to do anything about it," Tails said, showing an image of his parents in his wristwatch as he tried to hold back tears.

 and not being able to do anything about it," Tails said, showing an image of his parents in his wristwatch as he tried to hold back tears

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And with that, the three of them left me with my father. I just hope they're able to get it in time.

[2nd POV]

You, Sonic, and Tails were walking down a hallway to the Brain Trust Lab when Sonic asked you a question.

"Hey, Y/n? Do you have any family you're worried about?" Sonic asks you. "I mean, they must be worried as heck to see that you're not there with them."

"I... I actually don't have any family," you say. "They died a while ago."

"Ah, jeez. I... I didn't mean to bring any bad memories back up if that's what happened," Sonic tells you guiltily.

"It's fine, Sonic," you tell the blue hedgehog. "You guys are my family now. That's all that matters."

Sonic smiles at this as you, him, and Tails enter the lab to see Rotor standing in front of two poles with balls on top of them, stars in the center of the red balls.

"So, you're sure these Star Posts will get us where we need to be, Rotor?" Sonic asks the wulrus.

"As sure as I can be, Sonic," Rotor tells the Blue Blur as the Star Posts activate, shining particles flowing from them.

"That works for me!" Sonic declares and turns to you and Tails. "Let's go, guys!"

"Right!" you say as Sonic and Tails step through a portal made by the Star Posts, you following right behind them.

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