I Have to Title this?

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Natasha's POV~8 AM the next morning

Percy had grown so much, but he had changed too. The coldness in his voice when he was called "kid", I never would have expected it from the toddler I knew. Him being laid back and alert all at the same time was also confusing. Lastly his eyes. Percy's eyes had always been a beautiful sea green. Sally had said they were his father's eyes. The mischievous, fun sparkle was still there but now they looked like shattered sea glass aged with responsibility.
They're the eyes of a leader.
Footsteps from the hall distracted me from my thoughts. Looking up from my breakfast I was surprised to see Percy with two people standing behind him. One was a girl who looked to be the same age as Percy. She had blonde curls tied back in a ponytail. She wore an orange faded t-shirt and had a yankee's cap sticking out of her front jean pocket. Her eyes a stormy gray with the same sparkle Tony had when he got a new idea for a suit.
The other was a scrawny, pale boy. He had shaggy black hair with dark, almost black eyes. His face seemed board but I was having a hard time reading him. He wore a black shirt with a skull under a dark aviator jacket, his hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans.
The other avengers, minus Thor who was on Asgard, looked up in surprise. Both teenagers looked at Percy expectantly.
"We need your help." Percy said, making eye contact with each member of the team.
"Do you need help with a science pwoject?" Tony asked mockingly like a toddler.
"If it was up to us we wouldn't be asking you for anything." The boy behind Percy said in an annoyed tone. Percy looked at him with a soft glare.
"Then what do you need help with?" Steve asked, setting a bowl he used for breakfast in the sink.
"A prophecy." Percy said dead serious. Tony busted out laughing while Clint and Bruce tried not to chuckle, to no avail might I add. Steve and I however only gave puzzled looks.
"Told ya Perce," the scrawny boy spoke up, "they're mortals. They can't help us." Mortals? I thought while Percy just sighed.
"Wise girl you have any ideas?" Percy asked turning to the blonde. She spoke a few words in a different language before the boys nodded.
"How about a duel?" the blonde asked, this peaked the previously laughing men's interest. "You're strongest fighter against our strongest fighter. It can be hand to hand or with weapons. If we win you help us. If you win we leave you alone, or something else of your choosing as long as it's reasonable." There was a moment of silence. We had nothing to loose here really.(while I wrote this part my only thought was unless you die on this quest but I control that...) The odds of any of us being beaten by a single teenager was slim to none.

Oh how wrong we were.

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