𝘼 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 - 7

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"great" you mumbled to yourself moments after togami left your room. "do I really have to go to his boring meeting tomorrow??" you were used to going to meetings with togami but you knew this one would be different because they would most likely be speaking french the whole time, so you would have no idea whats happening.

you checked the time, "its only 1:14 pm...maybe i could head out and check out france..." you pondered, this obviously made you super excited so you got dressed and put on some light makeup, "eeeeee" you whisper screamed while getting ready. "this is good be so fun" you said while finishing up and heading for the bedroom door, although as you were about to head out the front door of the suite you were stopped; "and where do you think your going?" you heard the voice you always dreaded hearing "i was just gonna go look around france..is that alright with you?" you said turning around crossing your arms. "have you even cleaned this place yet? its filthy." togami said while you looked around one of the cleanest places you had ever seen. "doesn't look very filthy to me" you said, "believe me it is, iv'e inspected it." togami said while crossing his arms like you were. "hmmm i think your just mad i'm leaving to go have fun while your in here all cooped up like a loser." you said while smirking cockily at togami, he looked astonished at his words, because well, you were half correct, if he were to be honest with himself he kinda wanted to see everything in france just like you but his ego was too big for him to admit it. "like i'd wanna spend time with you." he said while adjusting his glasses. "obviously you do wanna spend time with me, i mean that's why you chose me to come here with you. "thats not true, Iv'e already explained that to you imbecile." togami claimed. "whatever ya say, anyways if you don't mind ill be leaving now, i have many places to see" you said with a smile while heading out the door.

you left the hotel and decided to walk along the sidewalk, taking pictures of almost everything you saw until when you were done you had almost around 40 new pictures in your camera roll. it was fun walking around, but a part of you wished you had someone to accompany you, after all, walking around France by yourself isn't very ideal for a vacation. as you were walking you spotted something that made your eyes light up "oh my god its a french cafe!!" you muttered excitedly, this excited you al ot because you had always seen these kinda places on pinterest before and they always looked so beautiful so to be standing just a few feet away from one right now is a small dream come true. your happiness was soon cut off when you realized something "shit, I don't speak french." you mumbled, "well maybe I could just point to what i want on the menu.." you gained back a bit of hope.

you walked into the cafe and noticed a small line with only about 3 people in it, so you decided to get in line, you were in back of this boy with a normal suit on similar to togami's but less fancier and up-scale, your eyes moved up to his hair, it was brown with a large ahoge, "how strange.." you muttered while tilting your head at the boys strange hair, just then the line moved up faster and faster until you were at the register. "uh..hi..!" you said in a somewhat quite tone. "hello! what can i get for you today?" the girl behind the register said. "wait you can speak english???" you said shocked slightly raising your voice, but not loud enough for many people to hear. "of course when working somewhere like this your pretty much obligated to know atleast a bit of english" the cashier said while smiling. "o-oh well that's cool" you said in response "yes, may I take your order?" she asked "oh right sorry! ill take a croissant and coffee please" you said rubbing your neck awkwardly. "sure that will be 5.78" the cashier said, you nodded in response and grabbed your wallet getting your credit card out, handing it to her. "you can wait over there while we get your stuff together." the cashier said and you nodded in response while walking to where she told you to.

while waiting, you decided to check the time on your phone, you had only been out for about two hours. "great" you muttered while putting your phone away, you really didn't wanna go back to the suite anytime soon. "your not from around here are you?" a unknown voice said, to which you looked in front of you to the left, it was the boy that was in front of you earlier. "huh?" is all you said in response, "sorry,,it's just i saw your reaction earlier to the cashier speaking english and you looked pretty suprised." he said while looking at you. "oh yeah haha, this is my first time ever being in france, well first time ever going to another country." you responded "oh so your just visiting?" he said in which you responded "basically, it will be pretty sad to leave though." "yeah i can imagine.." he said "oh sorry, my names Hajime by the way." he said while sticking out his hand for you to shake. "nice to meet you Hajime, I'm (Y/N)" you said with a warm smile, shaking his hand. "coffee for hajime!!!" you both turned to see a coffee that had just been placed on the counter. "ah, well that's mine.." he said looking back at you, "but um, do you wanna sit with me?" he asked you shyly. "sure!, I don't really know anybody here, so it would be great to make a new friend." you said to which hajime slightly blushed at. "r-right, well i'll go grab us a table then" he said and you nodded in response as you watched him grab his coffee and head towards a table. a few moments later your name was called, "order for (Y/N)!!" you grabbed your bag and said a short thank you to the worker, even though they probably couldn't hear you from how busy they were.

you made your way to hajimes table and sat down, this time he has his suit jacket off, and he was now wearing just a white button up and black slacks, you had to admit, he was rather attractive.

you guys talked for a bit, and by a bit, it actually ended up being 2 hours. you guys laughed alot and talked about eachothers hobbies, interests, etc. "so hey you wanna exchange phone numbers?" you asked "yeah of course." Hajime responded while grabbing his phone out of his pocket and handing you it, and in return you handed him yours. "well, I should get going now, we've been here for quite awhile." you said while tracing your fingers along your empty coffee cup. "yeah, well it's been nice meeting you, maybe we can hang out again or something." he responded. "yeah that would be great, i'd like to explore this area more, and preferably with someone else." you said while chuckling. "yeah that makes sense" hajime responded while also chuckling. "well cya around then." he said while getting up. "yeah bye" you smiled while waving as you watched him leave. you scrolled through instagram on your phone for a few minutes until you finally got the energy to stand up for the first time in 2 hours, you threw away your empty coffee cup and headed out the cafe and towards the hotel.


you finally arrived back at your suite and opened the door to a empty suite, you figured togami was either in the office room or his room, so you headed to your room. you threw your backpack on the floor and flopped onto the bed exhausted. you groaned into your pillow and if almost on time you heard a knock on your door "come in" you groaned barely audible due to your face still being buried into the pillow. "are you gonna cook dinner or what? its already after 6pm" you heard togami say as you lifted your face out from the pillow, "ughhhh I guess so, I mean i don't really have a choice.." you groaned while scratching your head and getting up. togami just sighed in annoyance and closed the door.

"polite as always" you muttered sarcastically while walking out of your room towards the kitchen.

(A/N): the next chapter should be pretty fun so get ready😏😏

(A/N): the next chapter should be pretty fun so get ready😏😏

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𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙩~byakuya togami x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now