Ch. 1 - Change

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Maybe today will be interesting.




"Why am I awake still?" It was only 1:35 in the morning. I can't seem to sleep. Why is that? I just want to sleep a few hours before school starts again, but I can't. I don't know why. I tried closing my eyes once again, attempting to fall asleep. Maybe this time I will be able to fall asleep.

Le Mini Timeskip

I woke up again after trying to sleep. It seemed to have worked this time, but not for long. I looked at the time and saw it was 3:21. "At least I got two hours..." I mumbled. I got up from the bed and went downstairs to my kitchen. I grabbed a cup from my dishwasher and poured some water. "Maybe some water will help." I drank my cup of water and rinsed out my cup. I put away my cup and head back upstairs to my bedroom. "I can try and fall back asleep if possible, if not, maybe Monika and them can help me..." I grabbed my laptop and opened up Steam. I logged in and opened up Doki Doki Literature Club. I decided to play the entire thing through to see and meet all of the girls.

I admit I'm always dismayed by their deaths. I feel sympathy towards Monika because she's forced to delete the others. Maybe if I was in their world, I could help them. I shove the thought away and decided to press forward and continue to play the game.

Le Timeskip

"And that should do it." I spent time with all of the girls and got the good ending again. "Wonder what it would be like if they were in the real world? Would they all be the same?" I looked at the time and saw it was almost time for me to wake up. "There goes my goodnight sleep..." I closed my laptop and laid back in bed. I closed my eyes and thought back to the girls. Sayori. Yuri. Natsuki. Monika. Maybe I will see them soon. Wouldn't that be awesome... I felt my watch vibrate, meaning I had a notification. I grabbed my phone and saw it was a discord notification.

It was from my friend, B/F/N. She's been there for me ever since she was little, but she moved away a few years ago. Sometimes she comes to visit some so that we can hang out and spend time together. She's usually asleep by this time, so I decided to open her message.

B/F/N: hey! ik ur probably asleep but i wanted to show u this! its a doki doki mod that i think ull like!

Y/N: im awake. i didnt sleep much but ill check it out and download it before school starts

B/F/N: alrrrr im gonna sleep again. gnnnnn

Y/N: night

I closed my phone and grabbed my laptop to check out the mod. I opened Discord and saw the link she sent me. I clicked on it and saw it was a Reddit page. "No one has installed this mod yet? Guess I'll be the first why not." I read the description to see what it was about. "Meet the Dokis in your reality! WARNING: This could potentially damage your computer severely. Download at your own risk. Fuck it, let's download it. I can always get a new one." I clicked the download link and saw the download time. It said 5 hours...

"Wait, 5 hours?! That's insane! This better is an insanely good mood or I'm gonna break something." I plugged in my computer and let the mod download. I looked at the time and saw that school was going to start soon. "Well, this should be done by the time I get home. Hopefully, this mod will good."

Le Timeskip

No One's POV

After an exhausting day at school, it was finally time for the students to head home. Y/N packed up his bag and bid his friends farewell. As Y/N was walking home, he kept thinking about the warning sign. Why would it be a warning? How can a mod of a virtual novel destroy a computer? It shouldn't be possible, right? Y/N decided to approach this cautiously, in case something was to happen. Still, it seemed pointless to even be cautious about a mod. The highschooler arrived at his small home and went inside towards his room.

He went upstairs to his room and saw his laptop on the desk. He looked at the screen and saw the download was complete. The only thing to do was to launch the mod. "Since it's Friday, it's best to play this at night. I hope this isn't the last Friday for me." Y/N set his bags and changed out of his uniform to some more casual clothes. He opened his phone and messaged B/F/N to tell her about the mod. "Well, guess I should grab a bite to eat and shower."

Le Timeskip

It was time. It was 11:30. It was time to start playing the mod. Y/N organized his room and cleaned up a bit before sitting on his laptop with his headphones on. Y/N took a deep breath before clicking 'Launch.' Doki Doki Literature Club loaded it up normally. He decided to save the data from the original game to the modded one. So far so good from the looks of it. Y/N clicked on New Game and put his name in. However, after typing his name, the screen turned white and began to glow. He thought it was this laptop's brightness, but that wasn't the case. Y/N got away from the screen and covered his eyes. The light began to become brighter and brighter, but the glow began to fade as he heard footsteps appear before him. The light finally died down, meaning whatever happened was finally over.

"What the hell is going on?!" He heard a girl's voice.

"Ouchhhhhhhhhh. Why did that hurt my headddd?" Another girl's voice spoke.

"That certainly something I didn't expect." An older girl's voice was present.

"Is everyone alright? Wait... Guys look!" Y/N opened his eyes and saw something he never expected to happen. "Y/N? Is that you?"

Who could it be? I couldn't be them, right?


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