chapter 33

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Asta:(man I can see now why liebe and Nero like having sex so much it feels fucking great)

Asta went into the kitchen to check on the pie Noelle had put in the oven and when he got their he was hit a an amazing smell

Asta:(woah that smells great, I just hope it's taste as good as it smells)

Asta had walked up to the oven and one look at it and he realized something

Asta:(....I should have mentioned to Noelle I don't know how to work this thing)

After a few minutes of trying to figure it out he gets worried the pie will burn so be tries to find some rags but with no luck he opens the oven and pulls out the pie buring his hands, he places the pie on the counter so he can tend to the burn but when he looks at his palms he sees that they are starting to heal

Asta:(what the hell, are they being healed?)

Acier:oh hello Asta how's it going

Acier unexpectedly walked in to the kitchen with Julius

Julius:ASTA!!! How is my boy doing

Asta:Ah shit

Julius goes in for one of his tight bear hugs on Asta

Asta:J-julius please put me down

Julius:oh I'm sorry, so how'd you sleep

Asta:I slept fine

Acier:so where's Noelle

Asta:oh she's taking a nap

Acier:she is? She must've gotten tired

Asta:yeah you could say that

Julius:so what are your plans for today asta, you going on another date huh?

Asta:actually yeah Noelle wants to go on picnic

Julius:well i hope you two enjoy yourselves

Asta:yeah, and just so you know she's my girlfriend now

Julius:I know Acier told me

Acier:oh yeah by the way did anything happend while I was out?

Asta started to get nervous and his face became red

Asta:N-no n-nothing happend, w-why would you ask t-that

Acier:from that reaction I feel like something did happend

Then all of a sudden Noelle walks in the room

Noelle:Asta!! I've been trying to call you to carry me down my legs are still shaking and they hurt like cra-

Noelle's eyes widen and her face turns a dark shade of red once she sees Julius and acier

Noelle:m-m-mom!! Uh its not what y-you think

Asta:it was her idea not mine please don't kill me

Asta begins to beg for his life but then Acier screams and hugs Noelle

Acier:my little girl is finally a women


Acier:KYA!!! Am i going to be a grandmother?

Asta:wait Noelle your not pregnant right?!

Noelle:what no I don't think so, (but I wish I was) [blushes]

Asta:so we're not expecting a baby

Noelle:no i don't think so, so don't worry

Julius:well I congratulate you on becoming a man Asta

A Boy That Lost Eveything, A Girl That Has Everything(asta x noelle)Where stories live. Discover now