chapter 9

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*a few years later*

Asta was now 15 it's had been about a month since his birthday which wasn't the best but was far from the worst, Asta was now standing at 5'10 and with his training his muscels were bigger than before they were much more noticeable he was stronger, faster, and his swordsmanship and archery had improved drastically, Asta even started meditating and unintentionaly learned how to read ki, right now Asta was continuing his training at the demon skull with liebe

Asta:ready and........throw

Liebe throw six wooden planks in the air, Asta uses his bow and arrow and shoots all six planks with six arrows at the same time, he also learnt how to infuse the arrows with anti magic

Liebe:holy shit, nice shot


Liebe:come on man smile more

Asta forces a smile

Liebe:come on man I know the last few years have been rough but one day It'll get better

Asta:you really think so?

Liebe:yeah i do

During that last few years the harassment on his family has gotten worse, people have been throwing rocks at the church, leaving death threats, one time a man even tried to rape sister lily in the middle of the night but luckily Asta stopped him before he could hurt her, but overall Asta had been a broken boy finally forgetting what its like to be happy, at night he would cry and lose sleep over thinking about what could happen to one of the only people that care about him, so in order for him to not look vulnerable he suppresses his emotion of sadness and fear, luckly with the help of Julius he was able to somewhat smile because he knew with Julius around him and his family we're safe

Asta:man it's such a peaceful morning

Liebe:yeah it is


Julius:Goooood morning Asta and liebe

Asta:and their goes the peace

Liebe:it was nice while it lasted

Asta:morning Julius [gives a light smile]

Julius:well good to see you this morning how have things been?

Asta:like pure shit

Julius:that bad huh?

Asta:yeah that bad

Liebe:by the way do you always have to be so happy and loud when you say good morning

Julius:well its the best way I know to cheer you guys up, anyways forget about, Asta you know today's the last day to enter the magic knight exams so if you hurry I could take you

Asta:for the last time I'm not joining and definitely not while the village keeps treating my family like shit

Julius:well yeah but you know Noelle's been asking you to join

Asta:you know she's getting real annoying, I've only ever met her once and that was 5 years ago, I dont care what she thinks she's a stupid royal, could you just tell her she's an annoying little bitch

Julius:no i won't tell her that, you know she's trying really hard to become your friend, even if you two barely

Liebe:yeah Asta that was pretty mean you shouldn't say things about someone who hasn't done anything but try to become friends

Asta:[sighs] maybe your right it was pretty mean and at least she's being nice and not calling me a demon or monster, how about instead of telling her i said those mean thing you tell her I'm greatfull for her kindness

Julius:I'll make sure to tell her that, well I can't stay to long i have to attend the exams, so uh Asta you-

Asta:not happening

Juliua:alright then see ya Asta I'll be back tommarrow or later if I have time

Asta and liebe:see ya Julius

Julius now heads back to the Royal capital to watch the magic knight exams

Liebe:so what now

Asta:not sure we've done enough training yesterday I think I'll just take a break today

Liebe:sounds good

*with Noelle*

Acier:so Noelle honey are you sure you don't want to join the silver eagles

Noelle:I'm sure mom, I want to help the black bulls rise the ranks and rub it in nozels face that I could get the worst squad a higher rank then the silver eagles

Nozel:like that will ever happend I'm tell you Noelle your just wasting your time not even I am able to get them a gold star if I tried

Nebra:yeah Noelle it's impossible to help a squad who's in the negatives

Solid:but if you do I'll do anything you want me to do

Noelle:you just watch I will do it, I mean I am a royal after all

As Noelle and her family walk to the stadium they see Julius walking infront of them

Acier:oh hello Julius how have you been

Julius:oh if it isn't the silva family how are you guys doing the fine morning

Acier:we're doing great I can't wait to see tge future magic knight

Nozel:their had better be at least one worthy of joining my squad

Nebra:let's hope it's not like last year where we didn't even one new member

Solid:or the year before that

Julius:anyways let's just go in I can't wait to sorts of magic [has star eyes]

As they walk into the stadium and take their seats while Julius and Nozel and soild take their seats with the other captains, Noelle takes a sit with her mother and sister and she hears all the boys talking about them, and this always annoyed Noelle,even at a young age boys would call her beautiful , but when Noelle's body started to mature all they ever did was say how good she looked or what they would do her body if they got married, and this always grossed out Noelle, she never found any interest in anyone because they only wanted her for her looks and or to sleep with her she enjoyed makeing friends but she ever rarely kept them because of it, that is until she met asta at first she though he would just be another one of those friends she would eventually forget but when she spent the day Asta he never which caused Noelle to think he didnt care about her looks he had treated her like a normal person, Noelle had wanted to get to know Asta better but then everything went down hill and noelle almost got kidnapped which Asta saves her from, but when he left without noelle having to talk to her she felt heartbroken thinking she'll never see him again and will never get the chance to get to know him as a person

Noelle:(Asta I hope your here today)

Julius:alright let the exams begin!!!

The magic knight exams have now begun

~to be continued~

A Boy That Lost Eveything, A Girl That Has Everything(asta x noelle)Where stories live. Discover now