Chapter 1

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Note: Thanks to the writers of both Hespides
This was it, Perseus remembered Athena's warning that his fatal flaw would one day destroy him. The Campers who he had risked his life for to defend numerous times asides from the two wars he had led them through, now called him a traitor. It was simply an ordinary day, unfortunately for him, while he was patrolling the Camp borders he spotted/encountered Porphyrion, Alcyoneus, Hyperion, Krios, Orion, Polybotes Gration and an army of monsters. Seeing that he was alone with no way to alert the Campers of the coming danger, he confronted them on his own fighting them himself and led them away from the Camp. Meanwhile, Hecate's bane Clytius hid himself in the shadows.
In the course of the ordeal having killed a lot of monsters while avoiding the titans and giants, he prayed for help informing the Olympians of the serious problem.
Those who came to his aid were his dad Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Artemis alongside her hunters including Thalia Grace, Hecate and Zeus while they told the rest to take care of Olympus. Together Percy side by side with his allies sent the horde back to Tartarus. He was subsequently blessed by the Olympians as a reward on their insistence, little did they know what happening under their nose as well as what would happen later.
Amidst the fierce battle, Clytius snuck into the Camp and used the mist to make it look as if Percy was fighting against their parents with the giants, luckily the Questers were unaffected but were now scared of his powers, saying he posed great danger to the younger Campers, thus he should be as far away from Camp Olympus as he can in order to protect them from harm. Hecate struck him down soon afterwards but the intended damage had been done.
From then on he was seen as a traitor by the younger generation of Campers. Each time he encountered one of them they hurled accusations at him thus damaging his loyaty, the result of which were burn marks on his skin. Not wanting to endanger his friends or mentor/father figure, he quickly left Camp under the cover of night. He did not bother going to his mom and stepfather because he did not want them to see him like that, for if they did they would swiftly alert the Olympians to his predicament.
Instead he chose to travel across the United States slaying monsters until he would be cut down. Alternatively if that did not happen he would find a strong opponent to do it for him.
During that period the Hydra, the Minotaur, the Namean lion, the Chimera, Medusa etc. All fell to his blade. Though it was when he killed Lycaon that the Hunt took notice and began tailing him. Note: This was after he had spent an entire year at it.
Three days later.
The Hunt led by Artemis followed him at a safe distance so as not to alert him of their presence, they discovered he was tracking Kampe. As they looked at him they observed three things with horror:

1. He was frail and could hardly walk. His eyes were clouded having lost their mesmerizing Sea green colour which was replaced by a dull grey.
2. His skin was charred by burn marks as well as cracked in several p.aces due to the repeated betrayals by those he risked himself to protect twice, now a third time.
3. His complexion was ashen white.
All these things combined told them one certain sad truth, Perseus Achilles Jackson had been pushed to his limits, so he was now slowly dying. As they correctly observed, he was simply still living by the force of will power. They wondered for how long that will would last because his condition got worse with every step he took.
Remembering what Briaares did to her during the second Titan war, he buried her in blocks of ice till she was dust. Joining them to witness this was Aphrodite and Athena. They were in awe of his powers. Watching him from him Olympus since Artemis started following him partly of her own volition and also by a unanimous decision by the Council. The three goddesses and hunters followed him anxious to see what he would do next, though they had uneasy feeling that it would not be pretty.
He painfully yet wilfully trudged up Mount Orthys the goddesses still following silently with growing dread, he told the Hesperides who greeted him cordially that he had simply come to die by Ladon's hands and not to collect an apple which they offered him, thereby confirming the worst fears of the trio. With sorrowful songs the Hesperides awoke Ladon to perform the task. Not wanting to prolong the hero's pain, Ladon sorrowfully spewed a lethal dose of his venom at Percy which caught him dead on in the chest causing his already severely weakened body to finally give out.
In his final moments he gave the Hesperides two drachmas. Accordingly, they placed them in his hands after he closed his eyes. Perseus Achilles Jackson was dead. The Hesperides wailed over him in mourning while also lamenting as to why the Fates handed him such a cruel fate.
The Olympian entourage of goddesses and hunters stood there speechless, rooted to the spot not moving and unable to understand what happened. They were supposed to report back to the Council on his wellbeing so that could assist him in any way possible. How would they tell the Council that Percy was dead, especially Poseidon and Sally Jackson. They would be unable to tell him how they felt about him. In sorrow they stepped out from their hiding places joining the Hesperides to mourn his death. Afterwards, they put him to rest in a glass casket, enchanting his body not to decay, pending the time they could successfully revive him.
In the throne room Poseidon felt the Seas roar with fury, he was puzzled as to why that would only happen if Atlantis was under attack, one of his children was angry or in trouble. Atlantis was not under any attack at the moment as Triton would have handled it or brought it to his attention if it got too much to handle alone. So it meant that one of his favourite children was in trouble but which one was it?
At the same time, Hestia felt the Hearth go low which meant that there was the loss of hope somewhere.
Hades felt that a soul had entered his domain, whom was immediately granted Elysium.
Apollo felt his sister crying, an oddity because Artemis rarely cried, so he dared to look. What he saw shocked him beyond belief, Artemis, Athena and Aphrodite were collectively weeping inconsolably over a man; looking closely he saw that it was Percy, shocking him all over again so that he gained a grim look in his eyes.
When asked about what he saw that gave him that uncharacteristic grim look, he simply uttered the following:
In The Garden Of The Hesperides
The Sun Has Set
A Hero Has Finally Fallen
In The Garden He Rests
Perseus Achilles Jackson Is Dead
But This Tragedy Is Not Meant To Be
Alas, Only An Act Of True Love Can Revive Him
Helping Him Ascend To Where He Should Rightfully Be.

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