66 - prove it

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Lexa and I crawl out of bed around eight o'clock after hearing footsteps in the kitchen above us. I pull the blankets off us and Lexa shivers in the cold, goosebumps breaking out across her bare skin.

I grab a blanket and wrap it around my shoulders before sliding Lexa into my lap. "Hold on," I whisper.

Lexa giggles as I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand, her arms around my shoulders and her legs wrapped around my waist. I hold her tight against me and wrap the blanket around both of us. She nuzzles her head against my neck and I smile when she kisses me.

"You're so warm," she mumbles.

We're both still naked and her thighs tighten around my hips, her skin wet and warm. I smile and kiss her cheek before heading for the bathroom. I turn on the shower and place her on the toilet seat, wrapping a towel around her shoulders for warmth.

I give her lips a quick kiss. "I'll be right back," I whisper.

I leave the door cracked open and head for our suitcases, pulling out clean clothes for the day. I also strip the bed and throw the sheets in the washing machine with our wet underwear. Hopefully, no one will come down here and notice.

When I get back to the bathroom Lexa is already in the shower. She's humming a Taylor Swift song to herself. I got her hooked. I drop the blanket from my shoulders and step in the shower behind her, my hands pulling my hair into a ponytail. Her hair is in a messy bun and she... damn, she looks amazing. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck.

"Palmer, they're right upstairs."

"Mhmm..." I mumble.

Lexa laughs and hands me a soapy washcloth. I take it and run the cloth along her body, taking my time. She leans against the wall as I kneel down and wash her legs, rising up to her hips. I place a light kiss just below her belly button when I'm done.

Lexa does the same for me, her hands running soap and warm water across my skin. My heart pounds in my chest as she touches me. Her fingertips are delicate against my body, her touch warm. We rinse away the soap and stand under the warm water together. Her hands cup the back of my neck as I hold her waist, swaying back and forth. We make out until the water turns cold.

Ten minutes later we're upstairs, eating breakfast with my family. Lexa seems much more comfortable than last night and my chest warms at the sight. My parents love her. William absolutely adores her. He made her promise to go sledding with him at the festival later.

Around eleven Lexa and I head into town. The festival starts at noon but I wanted a chance to show her around first. I park in the lot at one end, behind the ice cream shop. The lake behind the lot is frozen over and temporarily converted into an ice rink. In front of us are the back of the ancient brick buildings that make up the majority of the downtown area.

After opening Lexa's door for her, she hooks her arm through mine and we round the corner to the street.

"Where are we going first?" she asks, her eyes on the buildings. While old, the brick is well-taken care of, matched with large glass windows that peek into the storefronts. Downtown isn't too big, about a mile of shops and restaurants. In the center of it all is a white bandstand decorated for the holidays. Town hall, also decked out, sits across the street from it. Volunteers bustle about, preparing for the festival starting in just under an hour.

I smile at Lexa as I lead her to the door of a little bakery tucked between two boutiques. "Coffee," I say as I pull open the door. We step into the warm bakery and I take a deep breath of the aroma of baked delicacies.

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