Part 2

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After the school day had finished the class returned to their dorms, the rest of the day had gone slowly and Tamaki had avoided y/n the best he could feeling embarrassed about what had happened.
Y/n noticed and wondered if she'd done something wrong to make him walk away when she tried to talk to him, maybe he was nervous about something she thought.
Y/n sat with Nejire during dinner "do you know why Tamaki is avoiding me?" Y/n asked feeling down.
"Hm? Is he? Want me to talk to him for you?" Nejire asked stuffing her face with chicken wings.
Y/n tried not to laugh at her cute friend "no no it's fine I'll ask after dinner, I'm just worried I've done something wrong" y/n sighed.
"You'll be fine! He likes you a lot he's probably just nervous being around someone so pretty" she winked.
"Says you!" Y/n laughed shaking her head a little not believing her.
"Maybe he just got turned on when you were on top of him earlier, that's why he rushed to the toilets" Nejire joked not realising she was correct.
Y/n shook her head "ha no way! I kind of wish that was why though" she smirked to herself finishing her food.

"I'll go get changed and see him, I just hope he's ok with me" y/n waved to Nejire as she headed up the stairs, she'd noticed Tamaki had eaten his food quickly and headed to his room a lot quicker than usual, Mirio was still downstairs joking about with Nejire messing with his food.

Meanwhile upstairs in his dorm Tamaki sat at his computer desk sighing wondering what sort of things Mirio was going to suggest when he came to his room later.
He was kind of nervous, Mirio would probably choose something way out of his comfort zone to try and show y/n he liked her.
Tamakis mind slowly drifted back to earlier in the day, the feeling of her body pressed to his and vice versa, the smirk she gave him, the way she looked being pinned down by him.
He breathed in quickly as he remembered the way her chest rose and fell quicker, the way her cheeks flushed pink and hot and the look in her eyes.
He felt as if he was being stupid but he was sure her eyes were inviting him to kiss her...
He looked down quickly to see his cock had hardened just at these quick thoughts, he felt so pathetic.
"At least I can get rid of this now..." he mumbled to himself knowing he should probably relieve himself as every time he thought of her he felt the blood rush down there instead.
He felt a little dirty to do this thinking of her when she was his friend so he searched up some porn on his computer and put his headset on.
He reached in a drawer under his table and retrieved the lost scarf y/n had dropped in the snow earlier in the week, he'd found it and was going to return it but he got so captivated by her scent on it he couldn't bring himself to give it back just yet.
He lifted it up to his nose and smelt it delicately smiling into it wishing he could hold her in his arms, although he tried to think romantic thoughts his cock twitched in his boxers to bring him back to reality.
"Fuck" he muttered looking down at his hard cock as he turned back to the screen typing in something to watch whilst he held the scarf to his face.
He pulled his trousers off along with his boxers before gripping his large cock in his right hand as he found a video to watch, his left hand held the scarf up to his nose breathing in deeply, his cock twitching alone from her scent.
He wished he could bend her over under his desk and fuck her but this was the best he could do and he was way to nervous to even ask her out on a date never mind getting the chance to fuck her.
He stroked his cock softly, his eyes glued to the screen as he listened to the soft moans through his headset...

Meanwhile y/n had got changed into a tight tank top, the straps hanging loosely on her shoulders and some jogging bottoms, she didn't want to dress up to see Tamaki he'd probably think that was weird.
She headed for his room nervous to see if he was ok, she reached his door and knocked... no answer, she felt confused she definitely saw him head to his dorm room earlier.
Tamaki however had his headset on and couldn't hear a thing as it was a sound cancelling headset and he was far too focused on the screen in front of him.
Y/n felt a little more worried, she knew Tamaki could sometimes get depressed and she couldn't help but think he was overthinking in his room thinking no one liked him.
She knocked again a little louder, waited a minute and still nothing, she took a breath in nervously and tried the handle, she wouldn't usually just walk into somebody's room but she felt so worried for him and anyway she was expecting his door to be locked but as she turned the handle the door opened slowly.
She looked through the door and noticed he was sat at his desk with his headset on, she smiled to herself, he must just be playing games she thought as she took a step into his room wanting to surprise him.
She closed the door behind herself and turned back to him, Tamakis back facing her so he didn't notice her enter his room.
Y/ns eyes widened as she noticed what was on the screen, her ears pricked up on the quiet wet noises coming from Tamaki, the way his arm started move faster.
She covered her mouth, her cheeks burning as she realised she needed to leave right now she couldn't be caught in here when he was doing something so private he'd think she was some sort of pervert!

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