I woke up the next morning and looked at ace. I smiled and he cuddled closer to me. I moved his arms to get out of the bed. He cuddled to my pillow as I got dressed I put on my undergarments and aces shirt. I put my hair in a loose ponytail and walked out. "Hey Bec-," they looked at what I was wearing "hey," I said all of them but Gene were staring at my legs "eyes up here you two." They looked up looking guilty. "Sorry," they muttered. I laughed and Gene was glaring slightly at them 'I take it he's very protective of me, well duh your his sister' I shook off my thoughts and grabbed a water out of the fridge. "I'm going to shower," I said walking towards the bathroom "I SHALL RETURN, " I said and I sounded a bit like Gandalf," I giggled as I closed the door. I did my thing and got out remembering I didn't have my clothes I peaked out the door to find nobody in there I ran out the door someone picked me up "gotcha," I heard ace whisper in my ear I laughed. "Put me down," said in between giggles. "Okay he said and threw me on the bed sitting on top of me. We went to kiss when gene cleared his throat. Ace jumped off of me and I made sure I was covered up. "Ace we have a uh a concert tonight," he said awkwardly. "Okay." "I'm going to go now," he walked off. I started laughing "what's so funny," "his face was priceless, He was blushing so bad he looked like a tomato," I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. Ace was chuckling. I calmed down after awhile and we got up to get ready I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a KISS shirt. I did my hair in tight curls and put on light eyeliner and grey eyeshadow with red lipstick to finish my look. "Eyeliner really makes my eyes stand out....cool," I grabbed my wallet that I had bought the other day and put it in my back pocket. "Becca you ready," Gene and Ace shouted "yup," I said walking out and Ace's mouth dropped open when he saw me. "You look sexy," he winked suggestively at me. I giggled at the complement "okay thats nasty can we go now," Ace rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand and we walked to the concert.
During the concert I had my headphones in silently tapping to the beat I know what you thinking 'your at a kiss concert and you not watching it.' I can't hear it to many people. So I put my headphones and listen to the music. I was listening to Ozone from Ace's solo album and quietly tapping my fingers to the drums. See back in my time me and dad would talke turns playing guitar and drums to the song of our choice as long as we knew it we'd play it "God I miss my dad." I felt a tear fall from my eye and I wiped it away quickly. I smiled sadly as cold gin came on next. I saw the superman curtain move so I quickly hid my phone and earbuds in my pocket. "That was an amazing concert," I heard Gene say. "Hey babe are you okay," ace ran over to me. "Oh yea I'm uh I'm fine," I smiled slightly at his concern. "Lets get our makeup off and we can go back to the hotel room," paul said after getting his regilar clothes off of a chair. I quietly walked out I need to go outside anyway. I walked outside and there was a few photographers so I hid my face in my coat. I heard footsteps but I paid no mind to them. "Becca babe are you okay," asked a makeupless ace "yea I'm fine I just needed fresh air is all, its a little cold out mind you," I shivered "well the guys are ready and the car is in the backso come on," he grabbed my hand and tooked off my behind him. I laughed the whole way back. So when we arrived I couldn't breathe that well. (Seriously have you ever done that)
We were in frount of the superman curtain struggling to catch our breath."holy shit are you two okay," Gene asked. "Yea were good," I held up my thumb. He laughed and we headed to the hotel.

Love is a Drug
Romancei figure there isnt enough Ace Frehley stories so imma make one oh yea I'm going to take a while on the chapters Im a slow writer xD