an/chapter 7

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Hi sorry for the reaaallly late update I was kind of without internet for a bit then school started its a complex cycle also ive had writers block for a long ass time but here's the story

I woke up to very Loud knocking on the door. "Calm yourself I'm coming damn loud knocking on my door," I walked to the door and opened it seeing someone I didn't know "uh yeah?" "Get ready we have band practice in like an hour," oh so she's in my band okay "right hang on let me get ready," I muttered walking to mine and Aces room getting a red tank top and a black shirt with rips all over it and black skinny jeans with combat boots. I brushed my hair put sort of thick eyeliner with crimson lipstick. Walking out I grabbed my new purse which was black and walked out. "Geez you rook forever let's goooo," she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. "Okay okay im coming god," I was dragged to the limo that we apparently owned, and we got in where the rest of the band was "god Spade what took you so long," a blonde guy said. "I was waiting on Becka's slow ass," she jerked her hand in my direction. "Oh yeah it takes her hours to get ready," the brown haired guy said. "Okay guys I get it I take a while damn," I pouted. "Ah easy up Becka were just messin' around," Spade laughed. "you woke me up I'm gonna be pissy," I pouted and tried meekly to defend myself. I ended up laughing. "Anyways Josh whens our next gig?" The blonde guy asked. "Um in a couple of days at the pub down the street from Becka's hotel. The brown haired guy Josh replied. "Didnt he already go over this Dan?" Spade asked him. "Just wanted to make sure," he laughed. "So Becka how's things with the spaceman," Dan smirked. "It's good aside from the fact he maybe cheated on me a little," "WHAT!?" they all yelled in unison. "Why are you still with him if he cheated on you?" Josh asked. "Well because I love him," I blushed and looked down. They all smiled "that makes sense," Spade smirked as the limo stopped and we all got out and walked in the building. "What song should we do first?" Josh asked.

---------time skip cause I'm lazy------------

When practice was over and I surprisingly knew the songs, I went back to the hotel collapsing on the couch on exaustion "ugh I'm so tired," I said but it was muffled through the couch. I heard a high pitched chuckle and knew it was Ace. "Heeey baby," he laughs again. "Oh god are you drunk?" I asked sitting up. "Maaabyeee," he smiled and got really close to me I sat up all the way as he offered me gin or something. "You know gene would kill me," I said meekly even though I really wanted it. "What he don't know won't hurt him," he smirked and I took it taking a big swig and getting dizzy immediately after. "Woah that's strong stuff." I said and took another drink. He smirked and took my hand leading me to the bedroom.

You know what happens next I'm definitely not writing it

so yeah hope you like this chapter and yes I know it was late and I hope you like the new characters and thanks to genesimmons1949for being a part of it.

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