"So what's one thing you like most about me?" I asked her "oh your like my favorite celebrity "I like how Gene Simmons is your brother (just roll with it) and your dating Ace Frehley that's so cool, oh and I love how you play in a band and don't wnt to be famous that's cool too," 'okay so I'm in a band I wonder what I play' I thought. "I would really love to stay and chat but I need to go," I said nicely and heanded her the money for my drink. She thanked me as I walked out. I decided to go back to the hotel. I do play many instruments but which one do I play uuuh this is going to bug me! I had gotten back to the hotel walking up the stairs still wondering what damn instrument i play. I walked in and gene was there but ace was nowhere to be found "where's Ace?" I asked. "He's in your room," Gene said watching superman. "Oh supermans on cool," I sat beside him. "We looked at each other and smiled. "I remember mom would come home from work and see us watching tv she would smile fondly at us and make us some food.
"Yea she's great," damn I hope that was believable. "I'm gonna go see what Ace is doing," I got up and walked to our room and ace was cuddled to a pillow sleeping. I walked over quietly and poked him slightly on the cheek. He shooed my hand away I giggled and poked him again. He woke up and smirk when he saw it was me. "Oh no I'm sooo sorry," I sighed dramatically. He glared playfully at me and grabbed me pulling me on top of him. He kissed me and I returned it eagerly he flipped us to where i was under him and
it started to get heated when someone knocked on the door "Ace we gotta go to the studio," "god damnit," he pulled away and growled. He kissed me tenderly and got up and walked out. "Bye Becca," they all called to me. "Bye guys be safe have fun," I yelled. I sat on the couch wondering what to do then I remembered I had my phone "YESSS," I exclaimed and ran to get it. I looked and my earbuds and speaker "Whoooooh!" I cheered. "Hey keep it down," "sorry!" I yelled and plugged in my speaker pet cemetery by the ramones and couldnt help but sing it
Under the arc of a weather stain boards,
Ancient goblins, and warlords,
Come out of the ground, not making a sound,
The smell of death is all around,
And the night when the cold wind blows, No one cares, nobody knows.
I don't want to be buried in a Pet Sematary,
I don't want to live my life again.
I don't want to be buried in a Pet Sematary,
I don't want to live my life again.
Follow Victor to the sacred place,
This ain't a dream, I can't escape,
Molars and fangs, the clicking of bones,
Spirits moaning among the tombstones,
And the night, when the moon is bright,
Someone cries, something ain't right.
The moon is full, the air is still,
All of a sudden I feel a chill,
Victor is grinning, flesh rotting away,
Skeletons dancee, I curse this day,
And the night when the wolves cry out,
Listen close and you can hear me shout.

Love is a Drug
Romancei figure there isnt enough Ace Frehley stories so imma make one oh yea I'm going to take a while on the chapters Im a slow writer xD