Chapter 2: Are you even a Junior?

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Sitting at lunch I was wary of my surrounding nervous the whole time that I was going to get food thrown at me. Bored of the conversation that was going on at the table, talking about something along the lines of how Josh and Reed met some hot Cali girls surfing. Mentally rolling my eyes I looked around the cafeteria, I noticed some girls that I remembered but couldn't quite place a name start at me then quickly duck away in shyness. Was I really this unapproachable when I sat at the table? When the girl peeked back to see if I was still watching I gave her a warm smile, I could see her lips quirk up in a slight smile before one of her friends tapped her shoulder. I felt a push on my forearm and I came back to reality breaking my trance of the wandering mind.

            "Tori," Josh said with a smile, around the table there were chuckles, looking at Justine I could see her eyes were in slits and she gave me a malicious smile. Finally realizing I was still put on the spot I looked to my right at Josh, "you blanked out there kid, we were asking what class you have next."

            "Oh sorry, just looking at old faces, I have biology with Mr. Kada, why?" I asked curiously. I saw Reeds eyes shoot up in my direction. Oh great this couldn't be good.

            "Well well, we have class together little whale." He said. Great this was just going to be great. Next thing I knew Miss Pris aka Justine got up and sat on Reeds lap.

            "Babe so do I! Let's walk together, maybe come in a little late if you know what I mean." She tried to whisper the last part, I couldn't help but scoff and she whipped her head shooting daggers at me. If looks could kill I'd be a dead man, or woman.

            "Jealous much?" Reed smirked. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth.

            "Jealous of what? Potentially getting herpes from the school slut?" I replied. His smirk grew wider and Justine gave me a scream of frustration. I guess my comebacks were too good for her. She called her crew and they walked out in a formation. I swear they practiced that, what freaks. To think I thought something was wrong with me in middle school.

            "So want to walk to class together little whale?" Reed asked, I could feel his hot breath on my neck, damn was he close. A shiver ran down my spine, probably from disgust.

            "I know where the classroom him, so am very capable of walking myself." With that I turned my head, grabbed my trash and left the table, strutting out with a slight sway of my hips.

            "Damn, now that's an ass." I heard behind me. A smirk was plastered to my face as I walked through the swinging doors. I felt great.


            "Alright class, I'm Mr. Kada. Obviously I'll be your bio teacher. So let's cut the crap and get to seating arrangements." Mr. Kada spoke with a tone of annoyance. Great I have this happy jolly man as a teacher. Mr. Kada was fat, balding, and probably cranky because his life was almost over and he was still a virgin. I didn't blame him, I'd be cranky too.

            All the students walked to the side of the room and congregated in their cliques. I just stood awkwardly. I didn't know anyone well, nobody probably even recognized me.

            "He's a buzzkill isn't he? To think I thought this would be my favorite class." A female voice spoke in my ear. I jumped a little, frightened by the person talking to me. Looking down at her she was a head shorter and had brown curly hair. She wore thick rimmed glasses and had vibrant green eyes. I suddenly remembered why she looked familiar. She was the girl I made eye contact with in the cafeteria.

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