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Namaskaram 🙏

Date of Update: 11

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Date of Update: 11.02.2021


Sanskar woke up from sleep to see Ragini still sleeping peacefully in his embrace. He smiles seeing her. He tucks her hair strands which are falling on her face behind her ear and slowly moves her from his embrace making sure he doesn't disturb her sleep. He freshens up and moves out of the room. He moves into the kitchen to see it a bit messy. He remembers the surprise he got last night. He smiles and starts cleaning the messy kitchen. His eyes fell on the small temple his mother has made for him when he bought this flat. He moves towards it and remembers how his mother always says him to pray everyday but he never does. He remembers how his mother scolds him and makes him pray atleast on his birthday. He chuckles.

Sanskar: (whispers) I miss you mom!

His eyes unknowingly turned teary. He sighs. He makes arrangements for lighting diya as how his mother always does. He applies teeka to his forehead and lights diya near god in the temple. He takes his phone and clicks a picture of it and sends it to his mother.

On the other side his mother who is working in kitchen looks at the photo. She immediately calls him. Sanskar smiles and takes the call.

Sujatha: So Ragini did her work!

She states as soon as he takes the call. He looks confused at her.

Sanskar: What did she do?

Sujatha: I asked her to make you light diya without fail.

Sanskar makes an unamused face.

Sanskar: For your information she hasn't even woken up from sleep. It was me who was missing you so did it as it makes me feel your presence. Now you don't even bother about me. Just one night you changed your team. I am katti.

He says twisting his lips. Sujatha smiles hearing him.

Sujatha: I miss you too!

She says with moist eyes making his eyes moist.

Sanskar: This is the first ever birthday I am not with you guys. Every time I come there no matter what so that I don't miss you guys atleast on this day.

Sujatha nods wiping her tears that flow from her eyes. He looks away controlling his tears.

Arjun: (enters the kitchen) Bhai you made my mom cry!

He says back hugging Sujatha. Sanskar looks at him and nods.

Arjun: (he found him dull and he also gets sad) Bhai yaar why are you making us sad early morning?

Sanskar: I really miss you guys so much.

Arjun: (changing the topic) What's for breakfast mom?

Sanskar glares him while he ignores.

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