Passing By In Your Life 13

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Amongst my group of friends, my dorm leader is the one who leads the happiest and most smooth-sailing life – ever since she was young, her parents loved her greatly and doted on her. Additionally, she was extremely rich, and was akin to a real life Disney Princess.

Our dorm leader was extremely kind-hearted. During our time at University, there was a stray dog which frequently wandered around our school compound, and would definitely appear near the canteen whenever it was time for lunch. The dog had a keen eye for people, and had an automatic RMB detection radar within its body – it never ever bothered with other people, and only followed our dorm leader around. Our dorm leader named it "Boyfriend", and bought food for it every single day.

There was a heavy downpour one night. As our dorm leader was worried about Boyfriend, she braved the rain and went out to look for it before managing to locate it in a drain. As the dorm rules prohibited the rearing of dogs, she shipped it back to her home in Harbin. Our dorm leader's dad – a middle-aged entrepreneur with a family fortune worth millions – only had a single hobby: rearing dogs. He had a Welsh Corgi which he loved like a daughter. According to various sources, the Welsh Corgi had descended from the same ancestors as the beloved dog of the English Queen, and was of royal blood. When Boyfriend arrived, he managed to rob the Welsh Corgi of its innocence within three days. The middle-aged entrepreneur was so angry he nearly fainted, and scolded Boyfriend, "You! Bastard! Dog!"

Our dorm leader wasn't upset in the slightest, and even congratulated her dad, "You're going to become a grandfather soon!" The rest of us burst out in laughter. Before we reincarnated into our present lives, the rest of us probably selected the "Hard" Mode whilst our beloved dorm leader had probably selected the "Causes Dad to Suffer Hardship" Mode.

When we first entered University, all of us were still unfamiliar with each other. Only our dorm leader was especially famous. This was because on the third day of school, she got into a physical fight with the student sleeping in the lower bunk. To phrase it in more accurate terms, our dorm leader basically beat her dorm mate up for unknown reasons. After the fight, she insisted on moving out of her dorm and into an apartment outside – however, she was unable to do so as our school rule required all freshmen to stay in dorms. Coincidentally, as our dorm had an extra space left, our Form Teacher directed her to move in with us.

At that time, my impression of her wasn't the best, and I felt that she was simply a rich and wilful person living off her parent's wealth. Thus, I only managed to grow closer to her during the holidays when both of us were the only ones left in the dorm. One day, after deciding that she was simply too bored, our dorm leader shut her computer and turned to me, "Joey, let's go hang out at Jin Man Di." I was tremendously surprised. At that time, I was gunning for a Forest Girl style – and those who adopted a Forest Girl style would never shop at Jin Man Di. However, more importantly, why would someone who lived off her parents' wealth shop at Jin Man Di?! If I recall correctly, it was a sweltering hot afternoon. Both of us were stuck in the congested fashion market, talking and shopping whilst trying the occasional piece that caught our eye, and subsequently laughing at each other's poor fashion taste.

I learnt that she was a very kind person; she possessed an extremely pure and simple kindness, one that could only be acquired from having grown up in a carefully protected environment. She told me about an incident that happened when she was in High School. Then, there was a male student in her class whose results were extremely good. However, due to the poverty of his family, he was unable to hand in the school fees on time and was forced to quit schooling. When she learnt about it, she was extremely surprised – after all, their school fees only amounted to 800RMB per term, and a pair of shoes that she chose at random would definitely amount to more than 800RMB. As such, she immediately informed the teacher that she would sponsor the male student's school fees in the future.

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