Chaper 3

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"Bye Lindy!!" I wave goodbye to Lindy as I pull away from her house. Of course Sunday came way too soon and I have to go to a party later today. Just great.

Since it's only 9:45. I'll just go home and get ready for my lunch date with Nick. I pull into my driveway and lock my car door. My mom left for a business conference early this morning and won't be back until Friday.

After locking the front door and head upstairs to get ready. It's suppose to be cold today. I checked the weather before I dropped off Lindy. It's only going to 62 degrees today.

I open my closet and search for an outfit to wear. I decide on a light pink sweater and dark jeans. I grab my pink converse and place the outfit on my bed. I take a quick shower and blow dry my hair. Changing swiftly, I check the time. It's barely 11:24.

I braid my hair to the side and put on the tiniest amount of makeup. Since I have about an hour until Nick picks me up, I head downstairs to eat a snack.

I grab a granola bar and a glass of orange juice and sit at the counter. When I finish I put my cup in the dish washer and run upstairs to get my phone and my bag.

I have two new messages. One from Nick and one from Amber. I look at Nick's first.

Hey Ness, I'll be there in 10 - Nick

I send Nick a smiley face and open up Amber's text.

Don't forget to come to my place after your date. And I mean right after. xx - Am

I know...I'll be there about 2. X -Nessa

Okay. Don't worry about your outfit. I'll have it picked out for you!! ;) -Am I'm worried. I wait outside for about 2 minutes before Nick arrives.

"Hey so you ready for our lunch 'date'?"

"Yep!" I say popping the p. "McDonalds?" I suggest. He nods his head and we drive to McDonalds.

"Thanks for dropping me off. Have fun on your date with Lily!" I wave goodbye to Nick and knock on Amber's door. It immediately flies open and Amber stands there grinning.

"Yay. You're here, finally." She says as we walk to her room. "I was starting to think you weren't gonna show up."

"Well I'm here." She walks to her closet and pulls out a very short black dress. "Um...that's for you, right?"

"No.." She giggles. "It's for you silly. I'm already dressed." She motions to the dress she is wearing. It was a tight red dress that was cut off in the back and had no sleeves. Her makeup was heavy and her hair was curled. "Try it on."

"But-" I've never worn anything like this before.

"No buts, Oh just try it on." I sigh and grab the dress and walking into the bathroom.

I slip the dress on and it is really tight. The dress isn't as tight as Amber's, but it's too tight for my liking. It has one strap on the right shoulder and tiny specks of glitter cover the entire dress. Not to mention that the dress was really short. It just barely covered my bum. Stepping out of the bathroom, I clear my throat. Amber looks up and smiles.

"It's perfect!!!!" She squeals and I shake my head. I hated the dress. "Ok. Now it's time for hair and makeup. Have a seat."

"Fine." I sit on the chair in front of her mirror and she tells me to close my eyes. She wants it to be a surprise. After, what seemed like hours, Amber finished.

"Okay. Now open your eyes." I open my eyes and I gasp. My lips were cherry red and she gave me the smokey eye look. My hair fell down my back in loose curls. "I don't know what to say."

"Well, you look hot." Amber says while handing me a pair of black pumps. I slip them on and stand up doing a twirl. "Perfect!"

" let's go. I wanna get this over with." Amber laughs and pulls out her phone.

"Ok, ok. Gosh. Just let me call Niall." She dials Niall's number and talks to him for a bit before hanging up. "He'll be here in 5 minutes."

"Oh. So who's party is it anyway?" She never mentioned who's party it was. She gave me a creepy grin before answering.

"Niall's friend." She smiled at me, knowing that I was going to get annoyed.

"And his name is?" I roll my eyes and she playfully punches my arm.

"Well his friend invited us. They guy who is throwing the party is called Marcus." She looked down at her phone and smiled. "Niall's here."

"Let's go then." I say walking toward the front door.

"Oh and Nessa," Amber calls. I turn around and she slightly frowns. "Be careful at the party."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Never mind, just be careful ok." I nod and she heads toward Niall's car. I quickly follow her.

What is she talking about? Why would I have to be careful? I mean it's not like anything bad is going to happen, right?

A/N: Hope you liked it! What do you think is gonna happen at the party? Why do you think Vanessa has to be careful? Who is Niall's friend? Is it one of the boys or someone else?
Let me know what you think.

Btw what do you think about Niall and Melissa?

Lots of love xx-M

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