Chapter 5

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We've been playing truth or dare for almost an hour, I think. It's pretty boring so far. No one picked truth yet so. The dares most consisted of drinking, smoking, or kissing someone. Let's just say I'm starting to feel a little tipsy. Nick had to leave 10 minutes after he arrived because his mom called.

"Okay..okay! My turn!" Tiffany squealed. Ugh I hate her! "Umm....Amber truth or dare?"

"Uh....dare." Amber giggled. She was super drunk.

"I dare you to...uh take 3 shots." Tiffany poured her three shots and she chugged them in less than 30 seconds.

"That was fun!" Amber laughed and pointed at me. "Nessssaaaa..truth or dare?"

"Truth." Guess I'll be the first to pick truth.

"Ooh I got one. What were you thinking about earlier when I had to snap my fingers in front of your face." Crap. What was I supposed to tell them? Oh you know I was admiring Harry. Hell no.

"Uhh...can I pick dare?" She nodded her head but Louis shook his head.

"That's against the rules." Louis slurred. "You have to answer."

"I um, I was.." I decide to lie. "I was thinking about my date with Nick."

"Ooh details!!!" Amber squealed. I kind of feel bad for lying to her. I'll tell her the truth later. I shake my head and now it's my turn to get some answers. I knew Amber wouldn't answer, so I asked Niall.

"Niall! Truth or dare?" I seriously need some answers because I'm so confused.

"Truth!" Niall shouts and I smile. Now he has to answer me.

"Why were you and Amber telling me that I have to be careful at the party?" Niall's face paled.

"Um well. I skip. Tiffany truth or dare?.." He's cut off by Amber. I forgot that she'll answer anything when she is drunk.

"Because we knew Tiffany would be here. And we didn't want her to tell everyone. You know your secret." When the words left her mouth, she froze. "Oh shit. Um I...." Tiffany smirked and gave me an evil look.

"You heard Niall. It's my turn. I pick dare."

"Actually I pick Eleanor." Niall says quickly.

"Too late! You picked her!" Louis laughed. Great. Of course no one knew what we were talking about.

"Ok um I dare you to leave. Go home." Niall states proudly. Louis tells to pick someone and that she has to leave. Huffing she gets up and leaves the party. What a relief.

"Okay, mate." Louis says. "Harry truth or dare?"

"Truth." I guess everyone is picking truth now.

"Do you find Vanessa attractive?" I was a bit shocked, but I scoffed at Louis question. Of course he didn't I mean look at me. What shocked me even more was Harry's answer.

"Yes. I'd like to see what she looks like without that dress." Everyone looked at him with shock and he froze. "I mean yeah I guess." He mumbled. What just happened.

"Harry, mate. Do y-" Liam was cut off by Harry's booming voice.

"ANYWAYS!!" Harry shouts. "Vanessa truth or dare?"

"Don't pick dare! He might tell you to take that dress off." Zayn teased, earning a smack on the arm from Perrie.

"Shut up!" Harry mumbled.

"Truth." I was a bit worried that Zayn was right. But what Harry asked was 10x worse.

"What's your secret?"

A/N: I hope you liked it! Is it too boring? I hope not. It's only getting started though so....

Tell me what you think. Does anyone want to make me a cover for the book? Or is mine okay?

Lots of love -M

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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