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The door finally opened and it's, Tyler. "Ty... Tyler?" "Come on, Riley, get in here" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me in and into a hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked, joyed to see him again. "Um, Caroline and I were studying" "Oh, oh my gosh!" I said, backing up. "I'm sorry I interrupted your guys' um... Studying" "It's ok, Riley" "She's mad at me isn't she?" "What? No of course not" "Where is she?" "You know how long it takes Caroline to get ready" "Yeah your right" I knew Tyler and Caroline and Tyler weren't actually studying, so I thought Caroline might have been a little mad at me for interrupting it.

"Let me go and get her for you" "No, don't leave me, please" "Ok, yeah, I won't" I hugged her tightly, waiting for Caroline to come. When I see Caroline out of the corner of my eye she's smiling at us.

We all eventually sit on the couch, me on one side, and Caroline on the other. "So, what's going on?" "I- I... I think... I think I'm pregnant, Caroline" She cries, falling onto my shoulder. "Well, do you have any proof?" "I've been getting sick, and oh God Caroline-" She said, sitting up looking at her. "-I've gained weight!" She said.

"Well, why don't we go to the store and get some tests tomorrow" "What if they don't work, after all they are human tests" "Then we'll go to Jo" "Can Ty Ty come too?" "If he wants too" She looks at me like a kid in a candy store. "Sure, I'll come pregnancy test shopping with you tomorrow" We laughed and she hugged me.

I looked at Caroline and her face was red, and she got up, heading to the kitchen. "Where are you going?" "Why do you guys care?" She said, harshly. Riley's bottom lip trembles, and she asks, "I caused that, didn't I?" "No, just go talk to her" "Ok"

I took Tyler's advice and went to talk to Caroline. "Caroline?" "Hey" "I'm sorry" "You don't need to be" "I am though, I've been as you call it, flirting with Tyler, tonight" "No, you haven't, I just need to remember that you guys have that connection thing" "Yeah, hey I get the jealousy thing, I'm a jealous person, too" "Yeah, believe me, I know, I can tell" "Is it that obvious?" "Just a tad bit" She said and we laughed. "Come on" I said.

We went back to the living room and Tyler asked, "You guys good now?" "We were never not good" "So what do you guys want to watch?" "Something romance!" "Ugh, of course" Tyler groans. "Hey, we love romance" "Yeah, Tyler" We laughed.

"So, you gonna give us deets on you and Damon?" "What do you mean?" "Come on, you have to have something" "What do you want me to say?" She asks. "Well, you said you might be pregnant, so that means you've had sex with him" Her face brightens and she smiles, shaking her head and Tyler shakes his head. "What about it?" "How is he?" "Caroline!" "What? I'm curious" "Uh, he's... Stop staring at me!" She laughs.

"He's good" "Just good?" "Ok fine!" She gives in. "He's... Amazing" "Like how amazing?" "There's a scale?" "Yeah there's a scale" Tyler adds. "Tyler!" "1-10!" "10" "Ah!" I squeal. "Yeah, that's what he made me do" She giggled. I slapped her arm playfully and we laughed. "Does he go like soft or is he like rough?" She bites her lip and giggles. "Rough" I laughed. "Oh my gosh" I laughed, making us all three laugh

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Where stories live. Discover now