I Love You

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We hugged for a long time, but it also didn't seem like long enough if that makes any sense. I miss his hugs, they make me feel better. All of a sudden I burst into tears. And he starts running his hands through my hair, just the way I like. I can't believe he remembers that still 😊. ~ "Goodnight, Riley" "Damon, can I talk to you about something?" "Yeah of course, you know you know you can always talk to me" I nod.

"What is it? You look upset, please don't cry again, I can't see you like that again" I nod again and say, "I won't, but um, I need to tell you something" "OK, I'm all ears" He chuckles, making me chuckle.

"Damon, you being here for me last night and even today, it made me realize something" His face was full of confusion. "It made me realize that..." I  sighed out of nervousness. "Made you realize what?" "That I'm still in love with you" I whisper.

"What?" "I... I still love you, Damon" "Riley, you know I love you, but your with Jeremy" "It's ok, it's ok, Damon, I wanna be with you again" "No, Riley you know I do, but I can't do that" "Please? Please?" I whined, starting to cry.

He put his hand on mine and said, "I will always love you, Riley you know that, but you and Jeremy make each other happy and he's good for you, I'm not. Neither of us are good for each other, but you and Jeremy are" "It's Elena, you wanna be with Elena don't you?" "This has nothing to do with her" "I'm happy that your happy, Damon"

His eyes were wide for a minute, but then he said, "Thanks, I'm happy for you too" "I should get going, and bring Jeremy back to you" "Yeah, he's probably worried sick" "Probably, come and see me later so I know your ok?" "I might, I might not" I said, shrugging my shoulders and chuckling. "Love you, Rules" "Love you, Day Day"

He walked out and by the time Jeremy got to the hotel, I had fallen asleep. I needed a good rest and I definitely got it. I slept for about 4 and a half hours! That's a long time for me to be resting during the day.

Hey guys I know this isn't the best chapter, but it's seriously really late at night and I can barely keep my eyes open. 11:46 p.m. is what time I finished this so I'm really tired the next one will be better I promise! Thank you guys, and please keep reading! yashvi_lodha I still am shouting you out because your the best and I am so thankful. Please keep reading and keep commenting! Thank you! 💖💖

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Where stories live. Discover now