3 - In Which the Plot Kicks Off

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The wave of energy from the rock knocked both girls back. 

Babie groaned and pushed herself up, holding a hand to her head as it started to throb. She blinked to refocus her eyes, spotting the the blonde girl who had tackled the pale woman. The blonde was starting to stir.

"What the hell was that?" Babie muttered to herself as she carefully moved herself to check for injuries.

"That rock exploded," the blonde breathed out, just loud enough for Babie to hear. Though Babie thought the girl was just saying it to herself if her lowered head and baffled expression was anything to go by. With nothing broken or sprained, as far as she could tell, Babie managed to push herself to her feet.

"That rock exploded," the blonde repeated to herself, louder this time, before slamming a fist into the ground and glaring off into the area the pale woman escaped through, "That bitch!" she startled out of her muttering, "That rock fucking exploded!"

"Woah," Babie held her hands out defensively as the blonde rushed to her feet and turned her glare on Babie.

"Who the hell was that!?" The blonde accused Babie, pointing out towards the woods.

"I have no idea-"

"Like hell you don't know! You were chasing her!"

"That's why I was chasing her! I didn't know who she was!"

The blonde scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest, "Yeah right."

"It's the truth," Babie attempted, "I was camping and she was watching me from the woods." That seemed to make the blonde pause. Her posture relaxed slightly as she tilted her head, frowning and blinking rapidly.

"She was watching you?"

Babie forced herself to speak calmly, "Yes. She was watching me. I think it might have something to do with my Blessing. She could have seen me light a fire with my powers."

The blonde blinked slowly, "You're a Blessed Child?" Honey brown eyes met Babie's chocolate ones for a moment before Babie nodded. "Do you think she could be after me too?"

"Are you a Blessed Child?"


Babie couldn't contain her curiosity, "I've never met another Blessed Child before. I'm the first in my family and my village was never blessed with any Blessed Children."

"I'm the second in my family, my Dad was a Blessed Child too." 

Babie noticed the word choice, "Was?" The blonde seemed to shrink at that. Babie was about to apologise for making the girl uncomfortable when a figure burst out from the trees.

"Babie!" Alix cried out, stopping next to the girls and immediately doubling over, breathing heavily.

"Alix," Babie felt a spike of guilt go through her, "I'm so sorry I ran off."

Alix took a hand off where it was braced on her leg, holding her up, and waved away the concern, "Did you...catch....her?"


"Pity," Alix righted herself, noticing the blonde for the first time. She raised an eyebrow at her sister and jerked her thumb towards the new girl, "This not her?"

"Nope," Babie shook her head, "Different one."

Alix lowered her thumb, "Well aren't you the people magnet today." She turned to study the blonde, "Who are you, then?"

The blonde's arms were crossed tightly over her chest again, "Sister. I live here."

"Here?" Babie couldn't keep the question in.

Sister's eyes hardened and she jerked her chin towards an obscured treehouse, "There." Facing the siblings square on, Sister's small frame became even more rigid, "Now if you don't mind, I'll be going home now. I suggest you do the same before it gets dark." Sister gave the two a look. Babie had the feeling Sister wouldn't move until they did.

"Ok," Babie nodded, grabbing Alix, "Let's go." The siblings nodded a goodbye to Sister, who did not return the gesture, and turned to begin the journey back.

"You remember where we came from, right?" Babie checked as she linked her arm with Alix's.

Alix rolled her eyes good-naturedly, "Of course I do. How useless do you think-"

"WHAT THE FUCK!" came a scream from behind the siblings. Babie whipped around to see Sister surrounded by a small ring of fire which the girl was furiously trying to stamp out. Babie rushed over to help. Her ice creation should be able to put out the fire. When she reached the fire, Babie pointed her palm down towards the flames in front of her and pushed her hand down to summon her ice. Instead of ice shooting from her palm, the air around Babie seemed to solidify and push at her. Babie was flung back into the grass.

She sat up quickly and studied her hands, "What the hell?" Alix was by her side in seconds.

"What was that?"

"I have no idea," Babie looked up to see Sister stomping out the last of the fire before whirling on the siblings.

"What the hell did you do to me?" she accused stomping her way towards them.

Babie refused to take that sitting down, so she stood up, "What do you mean? I was going to ask what the hell you did? I tried to help but the air pushed me away when I tried to ice the fire. It was like there was an invisible barrier there!" Sister stopped in her tracks.

"The air pushed you away?"

"That's what I said," Babie was starting to lose her temper with this girl.

The girl in question blinked and her eyes widened, "Do you have the Element Blessing?"

"Yeah," Babie answered defensively, "Fire and ice."

"I had the Flight Blessing," Sister's hands reached up to pull at her hair.

Once again, Babie noticed the word choice, "Had?" Sister's eyes, full of panic, met hers.

"I think, somehow, we've swapped Blessings."

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