6 - In Which A Storm Brews

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"I really don't like the look of those clouds, Dad," Alix worried. The dark mass had been rolling in the distance in front of the caravan for the past hour of driving. Sister thought Alix was right to be worried. The clouds really did look more and more ominous. A big storm was coming.

"Should we pull over, Honey?" Merry asked. Harold and Merry shared a look that Sister didn't understand, but she got a bad feeling as they smiled.

"Onwards!" Harold cheered.

"Ever onwards!" Merry echoed. The two looked at each other with open adoration as the vehicle continued speeding towards the wall of storm clouds.

"Your parents are going to kill us," Sister muttered. Babie shot her a glare from the seat next to her that Sister barely caught. It didn't matter if she was offended, Sister stood by her opinion. This would not end well.


"You're going to kill us!" Babie yelled over the howling wind, hammering rain and cracks of thunder two hours later. 

"Hold on everyone!" Harold grinned at everyone, "This is going to be a wild ride!"

"Let's go, Honey!" Merry cheered. Sister looked between the two insane parents with wide eyes. The van dipped and swerved as the wind pushed against the windows. Sister whipped her head to see Babie clenching the seat, eyes shut tight. Alix was much the same, gripping her Mother's seat in front of her, taking in everything she could. The van jerked again, with Sister's body lurching forward, only being yanked back by the seatbelt.

"Fuck," she coughed, pulling the belt away from her neck.

"Dad! Watch out!" Alix pointed in front of the windshield, but it was too late. Harold stomped on the breaks, turning the caravan to avoid a head on collision. The van skidded off the road, tires screeching with the force, and side slammed a heavy tree. Sister was thrown forward with the impact, again being yanked back into her seat by her seatbelt. Her heart seemed to be beating too hard. She could feel the quickened thump-thump-thump vibrate her entire body, feeling like it was about to burst from her fingers. Quickly, she found the buckle and released herself from the seat. 

"Mum? Dad? Are you ok?" Babie was saying, unbuckling herself and scrambling to check on her family.

"All fine and dandy here, Duckling," came Merry's cheerful voice.

"Good here too," Harold chimed in, "How's the back?"

"We're ok," Alix answered. The family all smiled to each other.

"We're lucky you're such a good driver, Honey," Merry looked adoringly at her husband. He returned the look.

"Oh, Bluebird, you're just so-"

"Fuck no," Sister snapped, pushing herself out of her seat. Suddenly the storm outside looked almost pleasant, "We almost died! 'Good driver'? You people are insane! I'm fucking out." Sister yanked open the door, rain immediately hitting her face, and stepped out of the van, immediately slamming the door as hard as she could behind her. Shielding her eyes from the pummeling drops lashing her body, Sister walked away. Away from the crazy family that had gotten her into this situation to begin with. What was it with this family and stupid decisions?


Babie made a split second, stupid decision, "I have to go after her."

Her Mum nodded supportively, but couldn't help fretting, "Take a raincoat and be careful."

"Will do, Mum," Babie agreed, already reaching for her waterproof jacket. Alix also grabbed her own jacket. The two shared a look and Babie nodded appreciatively to her older sibling. Babie took a deep breath as she placed her hand on the door handle. She looked to Alix. Her sister gave a single determined nod. Babie wrenched the door open. The wind immediately flying into the girl's faces. 

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