Not worth it

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Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle stepped into the Hogwarts express and started to walk towards the wagon where all their fellow Slytherins were waiting for them. Draco didn't really want to run into Harry on the train. He has to admit that several times he has gone into Potter's wagon on purpose to mock him about the latest news of the Daily Prophet or to just try to make him feel miserable. But for some reason, it always backfired, whether it was because one of his friends decided to jinx him or because Potter was getting good at comebacks. Ugh. Draco hated to think Potter was actually good at something, but these kinds of thoughts always were at the back of his mind, especially with Dumbledore and all the other Potter-loving teachers constantly saying how good of a wizard he is.

Unfortunately, there he was, the boy with messy hair, round glasses, and a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Draco couldn't help but stare at the scar, its shape was something about Harry that Draco actually found interesting. It's just the mystery of it all what Draco found fascinating, why is it lightning-shaped? what's its texture? Why doesn't it heal? Does it hurt? A lot of questions without answers regarding Harry Potter, whose life is ironically known to absolutely everyone from the wizarding world.

Draco slightly growled, he couldn't avoid it because of the displeasure Harry's sight brought him. Of course, this did not go unnoticed by Harry, who hastily turned around to find himself face to face with the Slytherin student he hated the most.

"What, Malfoy?"

"Nothing, move"

Draco could try to start an argument with Harry but he just didn't have the energy for it. Draco thought Harry would say something else, but he just sighed, turned around, and continued walking toward his seat. Malfoy decided to forget about this interaction, go to the wagon and sit, although it was a little bit weird they didn't fight. Guess there's a first for everything.


"Hello Pansy"

"Come here, sit"

He sat without saying anything. Pansy made him lay on her lap and started to stroke his hair. She wasn't the most attractive girl ever, but she wasn't bad either. And Draco thought it felt nice for someone to actually appreciate his worth. Thinking about it, Draco never found any girl especially attractive or interesting. 'Probably because I have way more important things to think about.' He thought.

"So, anything new?"

Pansy asked to no one in specific, although Draco had the feeling she only cared about one answer in particular. Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini, and Pansy narrated their summers and laughed about a bunch of events. Malfoy wasn't really listening, and their stories bored him, lately, he found everything boring,

"Draco...Draco! How was your summer?"

The tone of neediness in her voice gave away whose answer she was looking for.

"It was normal, father and I went to the ministry of magic together and we fired some mudbloods"

The wagon erupted into a roar of laughter.

"Yeah show them who's in charge!"

"First we'll take their jobs, then their lives"

Malfoy heard a bunch of comments like those, although he wasn't really sure who said what.

"Half-wizards do not belong to the magical world, we'll make them realize that"

Malfoy said. His mood was kind of strange that day, but to discriminate half-wizards always made his day better. They continued talking about how pure-bloods are the only real magical beings and Draco truly laughed a bunch of times.


Draco's mood really improved, and when the train arrived at Hogwarts he was glowing and ready to torment a Gryffindor, more specifically Harry Potter, although any Gryffindor student would be good enough to satiate his urges of torturing.

Unluckily for Harry but luckily for Draco, Harry bumped into him when they were descending the Hogwarts Express. Harry gave a little jump and started to apologize until he raised his head and realized the person he bumped into wasn't someone he wanted to apologize to, so he immediately stopped talking. Draco's friends and Harry's friends began to snarl at each other, Harry kept his mouth shut and stared hard at Draco. Malfoy grinned.

"Cat's got your tongue?"

Harry didn't react as Draco wanted him to, he sure looked annoyed but he wasn't nearly as mad as Draco was used to make him feel. Malfoy wouldn't be satisfied until he made Harry lose his temper, hopefully in front of a teacher so he would get detention the first day of school, so he was about to say something else. But he didn't need to, Ron shouted,

"Go away Malfoy, if Harry doesn't talk to you it's because you're just not worth it!"

Ron didn't know that he was actually just helping Malfoy, although Harry did know, he tried to get Ron to shut up, but it was too late.

"Oh Potter, now Weasley is your guard dog? Do you need your little pet to defend you?"

Harry mumbled 'Ron is not my pet he's my friend'. Draco knew he was trying really hard to keep calm, and he knew just what to say to get on his nerves.

"Weasley, I really like your robes...but wait, I think I saw them before, aren't those the ones George Weasly used last year? I can lend you my shirts and socks from last year too if you want."

Ron's face turned totally red, both of fury and embarrassment. Harry raised his hand in front of Ron's face to warn him and stopping him from doing something he'd regret later,

"Also, Weasly, you were saying something about me not being worth it?"

He chuckled

"I am not worth it? I'm not the reason my family and friends are dead, I don't keep letting people sacrifice themselves for me, if you ask me I'm not the one who's not worth it"

And with that, he'd done it. Ron looked furious, Hermione who had been behind Harry trying to make herself invisible was incandescent, Harry looked infuriated and somber at the same time. For a split second, Draco felt guilty for what he said.

"At least they were willing to die for Harry! Would someone want to die for you? No! No one even wants to be close to you!"

Ron shouted, and Draco was more than slightly hurt. He has always been a little insecure about whether his father loves him enough to die for him or not. Hurt and anger have always clouded his mind and it doesn't let him think objectively about what he should or shouldn't do. So he quickly took out his wand not caring about the dozens of people watching them, but Harry saw it coming, so he had his wand in his hand a second before. That second gave him the advantage to shout a spell before Draco could even try to jinx him.


Draco saw the spell coming right at him and closed his eyes to prepare himself for the hit. But it never arrived, he slowly opened his eyes and saw Professor Snape, his wand out and his arm extended. Snape had blocked the spell right before it hit Draco. A wide grin appeared on Malfoy's face because he is one of Snape's favorite students and Harry is one of his most disliked students. Draco knew Snape would go soft on him, while Harry would have a terrible punishment.

"To my office, NOW"

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