Wings of Fire AU 2

15 4 3

Here are the Refs:







Dark green scales that are almost black, with bits of cyan and lighter greens mix in, horns are a silvery color, Purple eyes


None out of the ordinary







Red scales with some gold streaks lining his torso, some black scales on his shoulders, wears red scarf, forest green eyes


Is an animus but doesn't know it yet, immune to Wasp mind control


1. This is placed in the time of the pantala gang. And the dragon prince characters are added.

2. Rayla is a PoisonWing, also Callum is immune to the mind control because he was never in a hatchery when Wasp came because his mom moved hives durning those times and missed the visits from Wasp.

3. Harrow is a member of the royal family, he doesn't run a hive but he oversees stuff.


1. Comment if you are going to write this.

2. This follows the same plot as the 3rd arc of Wings of Fire but with the dragon prince characters added in.

Sample chapter:


The poison jungle was always dangerous, even more at night, but I wasn't afraid, I had never been afraid. I had lived here my whole life. And I was fine with it. It was beautiful in a super dangerous kinda way.

Almost there! I thought, there, the exit. I flew quickly, and I was out. The moon drifted beautifully across the sky, but I wasn't here to moon gaze, I flapped my wings so I flew forward.

There! Finally.  In the vast savannah was a dragon. My heart made a jump, and I felt a pull in my gut. The pull I always felt when laying eyes on him. I knew he felt the pull too. He was the one dragon I could never sneak up on. Because of the pull, not because he was observant, he was the exact opposite of observant.

We made eye contact, his warm forest green eyes gazed at me with a look I had only ever seen on him. I dove down and and into his waiting wings.



Finally, she was here. I knew she couldn't come any sooner or dragons would suspect something, but man it was pretty much impossible to go without her. She was beautiful and free, fast and agile, serious and goofy. 

And she was here, in my wings. I gazed into her playful violet eyes. The shadows of the moon framed her face perfectly. Her darkly colored wings tangled with mine.

"I missed you." I said into her ear.

"You always say that." She murmured. "And I saw you yesterday night."

"Doesn't change my words." I said.

"Sappy idiot."



"Any first mission jitters?" Asked a voice behind me. I turned around to see Rayla, one of my good friends. She was also one of the best warriors in the village. She would probably be on this mission if she didn't have authority issues, she had a prankster streak, and a will to cause chaos.

"Nope, I am so ready to stab some HiveWings." I said. Rayla shifted her wings, it was something she had started doing about a year ago whenever anyone mentioned hurting HiveWings.

"Well they're all doomed." She commented. "See if you can find anything blackmail worthy in the book of Clearsight."

"It's probably all blackmail worthy stuff I mean it is the ruling order for the HiveWings." I said.

"I actually talking about blackmail stuff for Nettle, but sure." Rayla said.

"I'll make sure to find that too." I said grinning.

"Rayla." Said a voice, it was Runaan, he was Rayla's parent type person.

"Heyo." She said.

"I need to talk with you." Runaan said.

"Okay then start talking." Rayla said.

"There's been a slight change of plans, you are going to be on the mission." Runaan said.

"Really." She said kind of startled.

"Yes, and please don't use your SilkWing impression." Runaan said and walked away.

"Oh wow let's go surrender our tribe to the HiveWings and become slaves! What could possible go wrong!" Rayla said in her SilkWing impression.

"Well this is bound to be interesting." I said.

"Always is." She said.

Remember if you are going to write it comment!

And a thing in this that I am adding is Callum made a magic pencil that answerers all questions asks or written and never needs to sharpened, and does break or wear down. He accidentally enchanted these things by talking to himself

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