c and hunter future came true part 4

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( this is the last chapter of c and hunter future where hunter, Yale and. Bazz and Vijay will be awarded for their best gaming company degrassi gaming)

Third person pov

5 years later-

Yale runs up to bazz and Vijay and says hey guys long time no see

Bazz looks at her and says we saw you two days ago

Yale looks at him and says i was being sarcastic

Bazz looks at her while the three of them walk inside and says yeah I know

They walked into the Hollingsworths mansion and see the twins on the stairs Hailey stands up and runs up to them and says uncle bazz ,aunt Yale, uncle Vijay

Vijay picks up Hailey and says hey little h where's mom and dad

Henry looks at aunt Yale and says upstairs me and Hailey are going to uncle miles and uncle Tristan for a sleep over

Yale smiles and nods her head and looks at him and says where are your parents

Hailey and Henry point up stairs to the livingroom

Bazz and Yale look at Vijay

Vijay nods his head and says ill stay here and watch these two

Hailey and Henry grab their uncle Vijay hand and pull him towards the pool and say come on uncle Vijay were playing pirates

Vijay smirks and says this should be fun

Bazz and Yale laugh at their friends childless behavior then head upstairs to the livingroom room and see their friend and co worker and his wife making out on the couch and Yale shakes her head laughing while bazz clears his throat

C and hunter look up at them then c looks away blushing while standing up and looks at Hunter and says uh hunter I think we'll continue the fun later when the kids are at your brother's

Hunter stands up and nods his head and says yeah I agree I'm going to go get changed

C smiles and says yeah you should

Hunter smiles then heads upstairs to his and c's room

Yale looks at c and says let me guess he wanted to spend some alone time since its just gonna be the two of you tonight

C looks at Yale and laughs Yale and you

Yale smiles and says bazz and I are just going to watch a movie at his place

Hunter pov

I walked up to me and c's room and started getting ready for the award ceremony and sighed and said I can't do this

C looks at me while leaning on the door and says you can your hunter Hollingsworth you can do anything

I looked at her and said why do you know always what to say when I feel like this cause now the twins are five and you're pregnant with are thrid child

C chuckles and walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck and looks at me and says I'm your wife hunter who's proud of you and so are the kids and I know everything about how your feeling and whats making you you upset

I smiled and spun her around and wrapped my hand around her waist and said yeah even when you are sexy

C smiles at me and says okay mr Hollingsworths you have a award ceremony to get ready for

I smiled and said okay okay

C smiles at me and walks downstairs while I started to get ready then headed downstairs then left with bazz and Vijay and Yale

C's pov

I was sitting on the couch in the livingroom cause I just got back from the doctor cause I just found out the gender of me and hunters Thrid child and I'm so excited so now I'm on the phone with Maya while watching the award ceremony on TV and said no wonder zigmin is stupid he can be a idiot sometimes

Maya voice can be herd from the phone and she says yah I know you still coming to mine and zig's place on Saturday its gonna be me and zig and tiny and shay and grace and Jonah

I laughed and said definitely gotta go talk to you soon Maya

Maya hangs up but not before saying bye c

I smiled then put my phone down and grabbed a magazine and started to read it then I herd footsteps from the outside and I smiled cause I knew who it was

Hunter comes up from behind me and sits down behind me and grabs the magazine out of my hand and stared to kiss my neck while rubbing my belly and my lower back where he knows it hurts

I giggled and looked at him and said how did the ceremony go?

Hunter looks at me and says it went great we won first place

I smiled and said thats amazing hunter

Hunter puts his hands on my stomach and says yeah but wanna know what my best award is that I ever gotten

I giggled and said yeah what is it?

Hunter looks at me and then kisses me on the lips but not before saying finding out that you were pregnant during prom and proposing to you

I giggled while wrapping my arms around his neck and said anything else?

Hunter smirks at me and says getting married to you and meeting the twins when they were born and finding out about are third child

I giggled and said yeah about that?

Hunter looks at me and said you found the gender didn't you?

I giggled and nodded my head and said its a boy hunter a beautiful baby boy

Hunter kisses me and says c thats amazing what should we name him?

I giggled and said I was thinking of something like hunter Jr

Hunter smiles and pulls me up with my arms still wrapped around his neck so he wraps his around my waist and says I love that name c and I'm sure the kids will be excited to find out about their baby brother

I smiled kissed him and said I love you

Hunter smiles and kisses me back and says I love you two

-the end

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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