chapter : 33

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Pov : liam

As how my cup cake told me that she accept me as her mate I was on cloud nine.

What ... Could you just say that again .

I Sofiya accept liam as my mate.

As how my mate has completed her sentence I crashed my lips on her and in this moment all I could feel was sparks which was running through out my body .

Where as on other hand my mate was shocked because of which she wasn't reacting to my kiss.

Just to bring her out of the shock I bit on her lips to which she finally responded to my kiss .

After 2 minutes Fiona broke the kiss and damn she was looking hot when she was panting .

Damn liam you took my first kiss.

What are you serious .

Yes iam and by the way you kissed me as if there was no tomorrow .

Well cup cake I couldn't resist myself when you accepted me as your mate and the Plus thing is iam even more happy that iam your first kiss.

Ugh liam stop .

Wait is my cup cake blushing.

As I was about touch her cheeks she slapped my happened .

No iam not blushing .

Ooh really cup cake .

Yes really liam.

You know what cup I really love seeing you blushing .

Fiona said Liam could we please change the topic .

Ok Cup cake as your wish.

As how I eas about to say something to Fiona .

Some has knocked the door.

Alpha may I come in.

It's my beta Zack.

Alpha may I come in .

Yes Zack come in.

Alpha we are getting late for the meeting .

Oh ya I totally forgot about the meeting .

Ok  Zack we will leave  with in 5 minutes .

Ok Alpha I will take my leave.

Hmm.. cup cake would you like to join me for the meeting .

Ok but would it be fine if I tag along with you cause you are going in a  meeting not some party .

Oh don't worry cup cake the meeting is not regarding  my business .

I have a meeting with one of the Alpha with whom I have to sign few documents. So yes you can tag along with me.

My cup cake said.

But liam what about reyan.

Don't worry we can take him along with us.

Ok then liam let's leave after 5 minutes.

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