chapter : 24

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Pov : Fiona

Flashback :

Woh di.... did you do that and how is it even possible for a human to do that.

How did you do tha?

I thought you were wearing lenses but no you weren't .

Listen cup cake I will expla......

Before he could complete his sentences all of a sudden he went silent for good 10 seconds and after that   which i wasn't expecting  from him was a growl.

Yes you heard me he literally growled like a wild animal oh gosh does he has some problem with his throat or what .

Hmmmm.......Liam is ur throat fine .

Yes cup cake why do you ask.

Ok it's just because you just growled like a.....

Before i could complete my sentence Liam said.

Cup cake we will discuss this later now you gotta come with me .

But where and why ?

Before Liam could drag me along with him suddenly out of no where a guy who might be in his early 20s entered Liam's room without knocking and said Alpha he is here.

All of a sudden Liam shouted  in a commanding voice how could you let him enter in my territory .

Alpha we are sorry we did try to stop him but it all went in vain and he also said that he won't stop till he takes what's his .

By hearing there conversation i couldn't make it out what exactly they were talking about .

Again Liam growled which didn't surprise me cause i think he is habituated .

Liam said no he can not take my mate away from me she is mine and mine only.

Ugh now what is mate.

Hmmm ....Liam iam sorry to interrupt your conversation but may i know what is going on.

Don't tell me that you guys are involved in some kind of illegal kind of thing like we're your gonna say that you are a mafia and you know you are under some kind of threat hmm...hahahaha.....

I started laughing but by seeing there expression it made me shut my mouth.

Before Liam could say something suddenly some one entered the room but then that some one was no one but it was the person whom I know very well .

Author's note :

Hello my lovely readers sorry i have to keep this chapter in  suspense

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Hello my lovely readers sorry i have to keep this chapter in  suspense .

But then i really want to know from my readers that who exactly is that person that Liam doesn't want Fiona to meet with that person and on other hand how does Fiona know that person so well.

Any guesses guys think about it and do let me know by your comments and yes last but not the leat don't forget to vote and comment.

Any guesses guys think about it and do let me know by your comments and yes last but not the leat don't forget to vote and comment

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