chapter : 42

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POV : Fiona

As how I have opened my eyes I felt my head a bit heavy and as how my eyes landed to an unknown bedroom I got a bit panick because this was not my room, ugh where the hell am I as I closed my eyes in frustration suddenly everything came crashing, no...... that's no possibile ja...... Jack can not just kidnap me. After all what will he get after kidnapping me, but when I was about to get unconscious , "I heard jack saying princess you are mine and I won't let that asshole get you”.

Why would he say that and what does he want's from me.

I was in my deep thought as I felt someone squeezing my shoulder in order to get my attention, and when I looked up the person was none other than my captor jack.

“ Hello sweetheart , how are you, Iam glad that you woke up you know you were been out for 1 whole fucking day, any way now that u finally got up I want you to freshen up so that we can have breakfast “, for some strange reason he had concern on his face .

Is he freaking out of his mind he is acting as if he didn't do anything wrong.

“Jack are you out of your mind or what , how could you kidnap me just like that do you even realise the act which you have pulled up might make liam concerned and yes let's not forget about my baby if he doesn't sees me he starts crying, I don't even know how my baby is dealing without me “, I screamed on jack.

And then I heard loud angry growl which came from Jack's throat, wait a growl could he be a werewolf to, I came out of my thoughts when I heard jack shouting .

“ Just shut the fuck up Fiona you are mine, you don't belong to that bastard, that mutt Reyan is not your baby and yes if you want a baby in your lap trust me I can give you as many as babies you want but for that you need co-operate with me “, jack said that with an evil smirk on his lips.

I felt disgusted when he said that there was a time when he used to be sweet and lovely friend but now all I see is an evil person standing infront of me.

“I went near to the jack and I slapped him as hard as I could.

" What is wrong with you how can you say such things to your friend, let me remind you I belong to Liam and my son Reyan is my lifeline, and they complete me they are my family do you freaking get that you dumb ass ", I told him as my anger was getting is getting best out of me.

“ Jack started laughing like a maniac person. oh, sweetheart you look sexy when you're angry, but sweetheart let me warn you this would be the first and the last time when you slapped me next time if you fucking raise your hand on me, you would fucking face the consequences which iam sure you wouldn't like ", he said that with an evil glint on his face.

“And now my sweetheart as iam the Alpha, so I definitely need a mate who could help me in running the pack and since I love you, iam sure you will be my perfect mate and a perfect Luna, so get ready tomorrow is the day when iam going to mark and make you the Luna of my pack ", with that saying  jack started tracing my lips with his thumb.

As I was right he is a fucking werewolf on top of that he is an alpha  I came out of my thoughts when I felt Jack's thumb tracing my lips.

“I swatted Jack's hand, you know what jack you're disgusting, and I will never ever be your mate nor will i be the Luna of your pack ", as how those words left from my mouth I felt a heavy punch on my face , jack pulled my hair and bought his face near to my neck just get one fucking thing in your pretty little brain" your mine"and    tomorrow no matter what iam going to mark you and make you my mate, he had released my hair and pushed me on the bed with that I felt in to an unconcious world.

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