⋆ four ⋆

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i entered my small apartment and let out small sigh as i pressed my back against the door. i left my bag on a hook next to the door before kicking off my sneakers and slipping on my slippers.

i made my way to the kitchen and pulled cereal down from the shelf. i grabbed a bowl and some milk from the fridge and made myself a nice, delicious bowl of cereal. i sat at my small table and enjoyed my snack, letting it energize me.

my first day of college was finally over, and i was already swamped with homework. i thought it would just be syllabus day, but all of my professors assigned textbook reading and problems to figure out by the next class, much to my dismay.

and there was also him.

i never expected to talk to him. hell, i didn't even expect to see him. and yet, there he was in my english 101 class, ready to haunt my thoughts all over again. 

seeing him there transported me back to four years ago, seeing that boy for the first time as high school freshmen. i thought he was hottest thing back then.

but now, we have all this history that comes rushing back everytime i see his face, and i can't decide how to feel when our eyes meet.

my heart aches at the sight of his smile, and all i can think about is when i used to the reason behind his smiles. but then i remember what he did, everything that came crashing down, and i just can't see him the same anymore.

i finished up my cereal and placed the bowl in the sink. i grabbed my bag from next to the door and made my way over to my bedroom and decided to get started on homework.

i grimaced as my bag fell to the floor with a heavy thud as all the textbooks inside hit the ground. i plopped down in front of my desk and pulled out my english textbook and my laptop.

i shook off whatever thoughts i had of jungkook and decided to grind out some homework for tonight to get my mind off of things. he managed to slip from my mind as i started to get immersed into the world of english grammar. 


"i'm telling you, yeri, this chicken place is to die for."

i chuckled as i held the phone against my ear. "it does sound really tempting, mark, but i'm gonna stay in tonight."

"aw, but yeri," he whined, dragging out my name.

"maybe next time, markie-poo. now, i got some homework to do."

he huffed into the phone. "fine, but you're coming with me next time."

i rolled my eyes but i couldn't stop the smile stretching across my lips. "alright, i got it. i'll talk to you later."

"kay kay, have fun with your studies."

i placed my phone down on my desk and glanced at the clock. it was 6:42 and i had been doing homework for about three hours. 

standing up from my desk, i stretched before collapsing on my bed. it was time for a break. i grabbed my phone and decided to scroll through instagram for a while. i caught myself up with what the other unnies were doing.

irene unnie and taehyung were still dating; it still amazed me how they managed to date long-distance. she finished up college last year and started working under a model agency in the states. i think taehyung is planning to move in with her soon.

seulgi and wendy unnie started making music together while they went to college. they still in the states too, but they've been doing really well with their duo. as for jimin and yoongi, i'm not exactly sure what happened, but i think they're both taking a break to focus on making music, but seulgi and wendy unnies haven't seen anyone since they broke up with their boyfriends, so i guess they're still waiting.

joy unnie is studying abroad in japan currently. her and jin never made it off the ground while we were in korea, so when we got to the states, it died off. she's been thinking about following in irene's footsteps in becoming a model, but she also is thinking about being some type of entertainer.

as for me, i wanted to come back to korea for college. i was pretty homesick and as much as i liked america, korea was always number one for me.

i liked irene's latest post of her on some random runway, commented on wenseul's newest cover, and direct messaged joy about her life in japan. after a little more scrolling, i set my phone down and snuggled up into my bed, letting myself rest and fade into a dreamless sleep.


haha hi long time no update

like for everything

very VERY very very sorry for that

i know i say this everytime but i really do want to update more often

but wattpad just slips my mind for a while and im soooo sorry becuase i know how it feels when you read a story thats ongoing and you have to wait for the updates and it's especially hard when the author doesn't update often

i promise i will try to do better

anyways i hope you guys enjoyed!

have a good day/night <3

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