Chapter 3 Room 666

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Sophie's pov. I wake up in a dark room and looks around, my heart practically bursting out of my chest. its quiet too quiet. all I hear is a soft beeping noise. I blink a few times and my vision comes too view. I look around and notice its a hospital room. the walls are painted a very faded shade of blue and there is very old chairs in the room with me. I'm guessing hat this is a old hospital. I wonder what happened? "nurse." my voice comes out week and shaky and I wait for a reply. its still quiet.

"nurse!" I yell louder as best as I could. after I get no reply I decide ill go and look where the nurse is. I slowly sit up and moves the blankets from over my legs and try's to stand up. my legs buckle under my weight like its not use to holding 90 pounds. I wonder how long I've been asleep for. I grab ahold of every object I can hold onto to keep me balanced. I look at the iv in my arm and slowly starts to take it out wincing in pain. I let the iv needle drop to the ground as I take a shaky step and almost falls. "okay Sophie you can do this." I say as I take another shaky step until I get the hang of it. I walk out of my room and studies my surroundings. the walls look like had flower wallpaper on them but its falling off of the walls. "damn how old is this place?" there is chairs knocked over and papers everywhere which made me wonder what happened here. I turn to look at my room number and pushes it up with my index finger since its hanging from one screw. "Room 666 that's unsettling."

I walk towards the front desk and finds a folder saying "psyche ward". this cant be I cant be in a mental hospital. could I? no this is just a bad dream any minuet now ill wake up in jack's arms. man I wish we were dating but no I'm stuck in the gosh damn friend zone. I flip threw the folder until I find my name and reads "Patient Sophie Sanchez. age 15 diagnoses psychotic. talks to people who Arnett there and repeatedly says killer clowns are coming to kill her and two people Jack and Leah. wont eat and constantly harms herself." I drop the folder and shake my head.

"no no no no this cant be happening. I'm not a psychotic those are my friends where am I!?" I drop to my knees and starts crying in fear as I hear another cry. this cry isn't the same as mine its a lot younger. I look u and wipes my eyes to see a littler girl no older than six facing the wall crying. I stand up and slowly walks to her." are you okay? are you lost? do you need help as I get closer she starts laughing. and not a funny laugh a laugh where someone is about to kill you laugh. she turns her head to expose her eyes. she looks as if she's possessed her eyes are blood shot and looks like they are rolled in the back of her head. her small pink lips curl into a menacing smile. as I'm studying her face she launches and me. I stumble backwards and runs back to my room. as I run the walls start to catch fire only my room isn't. what is this hell I'm in? I get to my room and runs in locking the door behind me. big mistake. I turn around and screams as I see disfigured people made of fire it seems like running towards me. I scream louder and slides down holding my knees as the fire creatures surround me.

"Sophie Sophie please wake up." I her a quiet voice say. it sounds like jacks voice."Sophie come one sweet heart wake up." his voice says again as one of the creatures grabs my arm scorching my skin and I scream louder this time waking up to jacks face in a lit up normal hospital bed. "Sophie your awake finally I thought we were going to lose you!" I look around very confused and looks at jack and smiles "am I really awake?"

"yes sweet heart you were in a coma and you stared screaming bloody murder just a while ago. I'm so glad your okay." he hugs me and I hug back and looks at my arm where the creature grabbed me. it was normal. it was all just a nightmare.

I laugh dryly "a nightmare woke me out of a coma how weird." he chuckles and kisses my head.

"hey soph?" that's his nickname for me he's to lazy to say Sophie. "so when you were out of it I said some really deep stuff and I mean them." he looks me in the eyes.

"what kind of stuff?"i look back at him confused

"well I said that I love you and I may have taken your first kiss."i blush brightly and he looks away blushing.

"jack I love you too."i say as I look at him smiling and he looks back at me and pulls me into a kiss. my first kiss. well first kiss that I'm conscious for. I kiss him back as we kiss passionately. he pulls away gently and kisses the top of my head blushing so bright.

"scoot over so I can cuddle you." I smile and scoots over happily as he crawls into the bed and pulls me close to him. god I love being this close to him.

"i hate to ruin this moment but where's Leah?" he smiles and holds me closer.

"where else would she be she went to go get coffee." that girl does love her coffee." she should be up soon. after a few wonderful minutes of cuddling Leah walks in and screams with joy.

"oh my fucking god your awake !"she runs over to me and hugs me then steps back. "uhhhh since when did yall become an idem?"

"since a few minuets ago." jack says happily and Leah smiles.

"well I totally ship yall you are latterly so cute together!" we all laughed and talked for a few more hours then we all started to get sleepy. jack says he'll stay with me which I'm so happy for I so don't want him to get up. I start to drift off but then quickly wakes up because I don't want that nightmare. he would always whisper to me when I did that saying "don't worry I got you nothing ca hurt you now" and would rub my back in small circles. after a while we both fell asleep and I ha d no nightmares.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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