Chapter 2 wondering

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Jack pov
"Sophie wake up!" I shake her but she not waking up. what happened last night? I look over and see Leah sitting up with her hand in her head like she has a head ache."leah what happened." Leah:" I don't know all I remember is people laughing and we were running and then it all went black."she starts to stand up."is Sophie ok." jack:"i don't know she won't wake up." I look back to Sophie.leah:"WHAT!" She runs over to Sophie and shakes her."WAKE UP WAKE UP!" I run to Leah. "Leah stop it's ok I'll carry her to the hospital and she is not died she is still breathing we need to keep are heads right now ok." I pick up Sophie. "every thing is going to be ok." I stroke her semi short blond hair. Leah:"what about are bikes."she says looking at them. jack:"we can come back for them latter unless you want to push them." she grabs the bikes. Leah:"I'll push them. how far away is the hospital?" Jack:"i saw one on the way here it's not that far." we walk to the hospital. Sophie still hasn't waken up yet. we run in the doors as a nurse runs to us. nurse:"what's wrong with her?" Jack:"she won't wake up." she takes us to a room but won't let us come in. I watch as I see them take her off the gurney. the nuts comes towards. nurse:"I need to know what happened." jack:"I don't know we both woke up on the side of the street not knowing what happened." she looks at us and sees the cuts and bruises on us.nurse:"you two fallow me." She brings us to a room and cleans up the cuts. Leah:"are we aloud to see her?" Nurse:"not unless our family." Jack:"were her best friends practically family." nurse:"I'm sorry but your not family you can't come see her." I look at her in discuss. jack:"look lady we have known her sense we were baby's We know her hole family they all love us I brought her here for gods sake and your telling me we can't see her because were not family!" She looks at me in shock. nurse"if you are not fam-" I cut her off. jack:"don't you dare say if were not family we can't see her ask any one of her family members if we are like family to them and they will say yes." she looks at us and takes a deep breath. nurse:I'm going to have to ask you guys to leave unless you want me to call security. but first I need you to contact some of her family members first." I take out my phone and call her parents and her sister. jack:"they're on there way but were staying." she waves some cops over and they start to push us out the door as her mom runs In. Mom:"what are you doing with them!" Cop:"they were trying to see this girl named Sophie but they can't because their not family." mom:"officer I can Assure you they are family!" Cop:"but they said there not." mom:"we'll they are so are you going to tell me were my daughter is or can the mother not see her?!" Cop:"room 382." with that she took us from him and we went to the room. Sophie's pov. Sophie: I look around every thing is black. I'm on the floor. I sit up and try to look around."i can't see any thing it's all black." I stand up and scream. "Why does my arms and legs hurt." I start to walk around and that's when I ran into him. jacks pov. I look at Sophie's lifeless body laying there all hooked up to equipment. I look at her and stroke her hair. her body has so many cuts and bruises. I look at her and start to cry." this is all my fault if I didn't suggest we go there." and with that I run out crying. Leah:"jack come back were are you going." Leah starts to run towards me. jack:"what do you want." Leah:"I want to know what's wrong." Jack:"it's all my fault I I didn't suggest we go there she wouldn't be like this!" Leah:"jack it's ok it's not all your fault we went along with it and there was nothing we can do I help her. it's just like you said it's going to be ok she's not dead and she is not going to die." jack:"I'm just worried about her I want her to be ok I don't know what I'll do if she dies." Leah:"it's going to be ok. she won't die and I don't want to live with out her either all we can do is hope and pray she will be ok. and jack she will be." she leans in and hugs me and I hug back. we both walk into the room and her mom asked if I will stay with her tonight so I did. I stroke her hair admiring her beauty."Sophie If you can hear me I want to tell you that I love you more than Friends. I want you to wake up I can't imagine a life with out you." I hold her hand and lean in ad kisses her soft lips." I love you Sophie." I get away from the bed and fall asleep in a pull out chair.

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