Neville Longbottom 1

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This story has been edited

***The Lovegood’s home 1991***

Y/n Lovegood and her younger sister Luna were chatting excitedly with each other waiting for their father to come and get them so that they could take Y/n to platform 9 ¾ so that she could catch the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts.

“I can’t wait to go to Hogwarts and learn magic”

“I don’t want you to go Y/n”

Y/n gave her younger sister a small smile and pulled her into a hug 

“I’ll be back before you know it...and when I’m back it would be like I never left”

“Come on girl’s let’s get going or Y/n will be late and we don’t want that”

***Platform 9 ¾***

The Lovegood family were finally on the platform when they finally stopped somewhere on the platform so that Y/n could say goodbye, Luna started to cry. Xenophelious Lovegood pulled his youngest daughter into a side hug and gave Y/n and encouraging smile

“Enjoy your time at Hogwarts don’t forget to look out for nargles”

“Luna I’ll write you letters all about Hogwarts and my lessons as well as all the creatures I find”

This made the youngest Lovegood smile a little bit through her tears. Luna let go of her father and wrapped her arms around her sister and gave her a big hug 

“I’ll miss you”

“I’ll miss you to Luna”

After letting go of her sister Y/n went over to her father who pulled her into his arms in a tight hug and whispered in her ear 

“your mum would have been so proud of you”

“Thanks, dad”

Y/n turned around and started to walk toward the train when she heard some voices 

“Gran I’ve lost my toad again”

“Oh Neville”

As Y/n walked down the train looking for a compartment to sit in she found an almost empty compartment with only a girl with bushy hair sitting in it, walking in she gave the girl a smile

“Hi my name is Hermione Granger”

“Hello, I’m Y/n Lovegood. Can I join you?”

“Yes of course”

As the girls continued to get to know each other they heard the compartment door open again and a shy-looking boy around their age walked in 

“By any chance have either of you seen a toad around?”

“No I haven’t,” said Hermione looking around just to make sure 

“I haven’t either but we can help you look if you want?”

“That would be nice thank you” 

“Where do you want to start?... I’m Y/n Lovegood by the way and this is Hermione Granger”

“I’m Neville Longbottom and my toad’s name is Trevor”

“I think the nargles might of taken Trevor”

As Y/n walked out of the compartment Neville and Hermione gave each other a look that said what are nargles 

After a while of going into compartments and asking the occupants if they had seen a toad, the three first-year came across a compartment with two boys in it that were snacking on sweets. The ginger-haired one had his wand out and looked like he was about to cast a spell when they walked in the two boys stopped talking and looked up at them 

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