Chapter 3

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( Dinner time)
Everyone was at the dinner table eating while Shrek had a sad look on his face. Kobe looked at Shrek and the king at the same time. King Harold just sat there glaring at Shrek. Shrek looked down at his dinner. He nervously picked up a piece and chewed on it. Shrek noticed the king still glaring at him.

Shrek smiled showing his teeth that still dad food in his mouth. Lillian looked at him in disgust smiling nervously and so did Fiona. Kobe and Max were just eating soup. As Fiona drank something, she belched.

" Excuse me." She said after belching. She and Shrek started laughing. Kobe and Max smiled a bit.

" Better out than in, I always say, eh Fiona?" Shrek said as he and Fiona giggled. They both looked at Lillian and Harold who just looked at them without smiles.

" I guess not." Shrek mumbled.

They all heard a loud noise come from outside the room they were eating. The door opened and it turned out to be Donkey bursting through the door.

" What's happening everybody?" Donkey asked with excitement.

" Thanks for waiting. You know I had a hard time finding this place." Donkey finished as he sat down next to the king.

" No! No! Bad donkey! Bad! Down!" King Harold yelled to the steed.

" No, no, no. Dad! it's alright he's with us. He helped rescue me from the dragon." Fiona told her father.

" Yep that's me: the noble steed. Ay waiter! How 'bout a bowl for the steed?" Donkey bragged. As Shrek was slurping on the soup, he had his attention on Fiona.

" Um, Shrek?" Fiona asked as Shrek realized what she wanted.

" Yeah? Oh sorry. Great soup Mrs. Q." Shrek said to Lillian.

" No, no. Darling." Fiona told him as she put her hands on the plate. Shrek realized it as he saw everyone putting their hands on their plates.

" So Fiona, tell us where you live." Lillian said.

" Well Shrek owns his own land. Don't you honey?" Fiona asked Shrek.

" Oh yes! It's in an enchanted forest abundant in squirrels and cute little duckies and..." Shrek got cut off by Donkey laughing.

" I know you ain't talking about the swamp." Donkey blabbed causing Kobe and Max to stare at him angrily shocked.

" Donkey!" Shrek clinched his teeth.

" An ogre from a swamp. How original." Harold said sarcastically.

" Well I suppose that'll be a fine place to raise the children." Lillian said causing Shrek to choke on a spoon that slipped into his mouth by accident. He spat it out and the spoon clinked on the table.

" It's a bit early to be thinking about that isn't it?" Shrek said nervously.

" Indeed. I just started eating" Harold said rudely.

" Harold!" Lillian snapped.

" What's that supposed to mean?" Shrek asked offended.

" Dad. It's great, okay?" Fiona told her dad.

" Well for his type, yes." Harold said pointing at Shrek.

" My type?!" Shrek said offended by what the king said. Kobe slowly slid under the table in fright as she looked up at Shrek.

" I gotta go to the bathroom." Donkey said nervously as he was about to get away from the room but servants showed up with Mexican food.

" Dinner is served!" The chef said causing Donkey to sit back down.

" Nevermind. I can hold it." He said excited to eat. The servants started handing everyone the food.

" Bon appetit." The chef said before walking out.

" Oh, Mexican food! My favorite!" Donkey said as he looked at the food.

" Well let's not just sit here with our tummies rumbling. Everybody dig in." Lillian suggested.

" Don't mind if I do Lillian." Donkey said.

" Sooo I suppose any grandchildren I could expect from you would be...." Harold was about to say as he pulled the lobster towards him.

" Ogres. Yes!" Shrek said angrily pulling the turkey towards him.

" Not that there's anything wrong with that. Right Harold?" Lillian said before firmly asking her husband.

" Oh no! No! Of course not! That is assuming you don't eat your own young?!" Harold exclaiming asked cutting the lobster in half.

" Dad!" Fiona exclaimed to her father.

" Oh no, we usually prefer the ones who've been locked away in a tower!" Shrek exclaimed before taking a big bite out of the turkey. Kobe looked at Shrek terrified. Max hid inside Kobe's backpack.

" Shrek, please!" Fiona said looking at Shrek.

" I only did that because I love her." Harold said as he shoved the knife into the soup.

" Daycare or dragon guarded castle?" Shrek asked angrily. Kobe wasn't liking this one bit.

" You wouldn't understand you're not her father!" Harold told the ogre. Fiona facepalmed and sighed. Both of them started squeezing and crushing their food as they were both in a big fight.

" It's so nice to have the family together for dinner." Lillian muttered to herself sadly. Both Shrek and Harold stood up angrily and they pulled the pork up so high it started to fly up in mid air.

" Harold!" Lillian exclaimed.

" Shrek!" Fiona exclaimed.

" Fiona!" Shrek exclaimed pointing his hands at the king.

" Fiona!" Harold exclaimed.

" Mom!" Fiona exclaimed.

" Harold..." Lillian said to Harold.

" Donkey!" Donkey exclaimed in excitement. Kobe had tears in her eyes. She always hated fights at dinner time.

As the pig fell down on the table. Fiona angrily stood up, looked at Shrek and her dad before running out of the room. Kobe got up, grabbed her bag and ran off scared.

" Wait. Where are you going?" Shrek asked his pet cat.

" Lost my appetite!" Kobe replied.

" But you haven't..." Shrek got cut off by Kobe.

" I can't stick around after what just happened!!" She cried out as she followed Fiona.

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