Part Six

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Dedicated to MissLonelyDream for giving me the wonderful idea for this chapter or I'd have serious writer's block.And

she's so sweet so why not? Anyway enjoy(:

Seducing Her Boyfriend Chapt. Six

The silence that followed stretched on for what seemed like miles as I slowly eased myself out from beneath the crochet made cover.

I subtly began prodding the push up knob for the handle making sure it produced little to no noise. Then when the door was somewhat unlocked, I delicately pushed it open a creak. From there I received the most perfect view.

It was good enough watching arguments on the television, but having it in front of you live and direct was seriously taking the matter to an all but new level.

So I poked my head through the creak seeing Abby standing there staring at Justin in disbelief, her hands folded across her chest.

"Face it Abby, you're seriously bitching about something totally inappropriate."

"So how am I to feel huh? She basically walks up to you acting like if I wasn't standing right next to you!" my sister retorted her arms now falling limply at her sides, her eyes throwing angry sparks.

"Abby,just give it up,okay? In case you forgot I did make it clear to her that you were my girlfriend. What do you expect me to do? Draw up a humongous sign declaring that you're my girlfriend and posting it on your forehead?"

I slapped my hand over my mouth nearly doubling over in hysterics.

"What's gotten into you? You're acting like such an ass right now!" Abby yelled flaying her arms wildly, her voice breaking a bit at the end. She seemed really hurt. "Like you have no respect for me."

"Says the girl who not too long ago I caught cheating." He stared right at her seriously. "So don't act all innocent and shit."

My heart thudded to a halt as I took in the meaning of his words. Did it mean...Did it mean that Abby had cheated on him once.... I was to say the least lost for words.

Abby's eyes widened the size of saucers and slowly she started to have some sort of freak out. "You know that was a mistake.... He came onto me..." Then her fake tears slowly fell out.

"Whatever." Justin muttered, pushing himself up from the wall to walk past her.

I think that was my cue so I slowly and quietly closed my door, blocking off any further view,my mind reeling. That was freaking intense.


The next morning, I awoke rather early. Fortunately, I didn't have a major breakdown or any nightmarish dreams so I was almost okay. Dad came home, so as I was shuffling in the fridge for some lemonade, he walked in.

"Good morning Jesse," he greeted ruffling my hair. I smiled and gave him a hug as a greeting then proceeded to drink my lemonade. I sat on the counter Indian style suddenly reminded for some reason of Abby's and Justin's fight. So Abby definitely hadn't been just in her books during her time on campus....

"So...If I wasn't in another state,halfway across the country, you know I would have been there at the hospital in a heart beat right?"He queried, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to him in confusion not quite sure what he was talking about exactly.

Sometimes my dad's job bothered me. It required late hours, constant meetings scheduled at the last minute and I had to deal with that and suck it up. Personally I knew it sucked the life out of him owing to tired eyes but it also supplied us with supporting income. Now I wasn't gonna be all teary eyed just because he wasn't at the hospital a few days ago. I was mature enough to know he was working towards the betterment of his job because he cared about the family. He cared about me, was present when he no doubt had to be present and that was all I could ask for.

"I know that." I assured, cracking a grin as I hopped from the counter. The exact moment in which I piled my glass in the sink, mom emerged(she had arrived two o clock this morning). Yeah, her night out with her girl-friends normally lasted that long. Seriously though...What do they talk about?

Anyway, she looked all orange dressed in her fluorescent orange robe and fuzzy slippers, her face looking tired as hell.

"Oh Jesse, I was meaning to talk to you about something." She said, walking over to the coffee maker.

"You are right now mom." I pointed out.

She rolled her eyes and turned to me, ignoring my dry humour. "I was taking to Stacy.."

I gave her an expectant look. Stacy was one of her annoying friends.

"She said that there's this new dance studio that opened up just a few blocks from the Starbucks downtown. Maybe you could go to that one."

I shrugged not seeing the big deal. My life was already becoming too boring to handle so why not do something about it?


At around five, Ency stopped by. We had talked within the days I was held in solitary confinement but I needed some sort of company other than family. When we were in the kitchen, setting up the popcorn for the movie marathon we were no doubt going to have, Justin walked in.

He was wearing a white torso that clung to his chest, printing his chiseled outline below along with a pair of black sweats. Ency was, at the time he walked, in the process of chewing a clump of popcorn she had just shoved into her mouth greedily. The moment he walked in, some how, she started choking drawing unnecessary attention to us both at where we were seated to the far corner. Our kitchen was big enough so if someone was to seat in the furthest corner, they would be highly indistinguishable.

His eyes darted over to where Ency was seating and then he finally looked over at me.

"Oh hey Jesse and Ency." He waved and I had to slap Ency so hard when she began coughing even more. I seriously needed to get her a boyfriend so she wouldn't have time to ogle over Justin. Not that the same thing couldn't go for me...Yeah, you get the point. I was about to steal a popcorn from Ency's bag (because mine was popping in the microwave) when something happened.

The exact same moment-guess what- Abby happened to walk in. The instant she saw Justin her face turned sour. I stifled a laugh and ignored the questioning gaze that Ency diverted toward me. I hadn't told her yet.

Justin was leaning over the counter top trying to find a glass in the cabinet so his back wasn't facing hers. It just so happened that he was blocking the refrigerator.

"Excuse me." Abby stated, her tone void of any emotion.

He paused turning to her, stepping out of the way. I watched in amusement as the two tried to busy themselves doing what they felt would keep them preoccupied.

Then the melodious intro to a song I didn't know blasted, making us all jump. Justin sighed and reached into his pocket glancing down at his phone.

"That song is so annoying." Abby muttered to herself inspecting her nails.

Justin glanced over at her in amusement. "Oh so you care?"

"Yeah I do when it's eating away my ear drums!" she retorted snapping her head in the direction of his.

"No the song is awesome. Don't you think so Jesse?" He turned to look at me an expectant look on his face.

I shrugged popping another popcorn into my mouth. "Actually it's really annoying." I admitted.

Abby turned to me, a grin smeared across her face.

"First thing we agreed on in years."


Merry Christmas guys! Hope you had a jolly one!

Here's the other chapter,sorry if it ended weird. I just wanted a Christmas update. Please excuse any grammar/punctuation/ spelling mistakes.Did not proofread.

Vote comment fan(:

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