part five

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"Yes, bunneh?"

You were prepared for her to ask when you'd get there, for her to tell Alex that she was bored, or hungry, or tired, but instead, she surprised you.

"On the telleh they said the sun warms the whole planet, reyht?"

"Tha's reyht, bunneh" Alex drawled. "Paid attention, did yeh?"

"But..." Gracie stated, setting up for another question. "It's so tineh!"

You smiled to yourself, resisting the urge to look over your shoulder, instead adjusting the rear view mirror to get a look at them. It wasn't like you didn't trust them sat together in the back seat, but they were rather distracting, and you loved seeing them interact together, no matter that you saw it all the time.

"Duckeh, tha's joost because it's vereh far aweh and it looks tineh from where weh are" Alex explained.

"Is it realleh far away?"

Alex nodded. "Yeh, yeh kno' when yeh let a balloon fly? If it flies up and up and it becomes so tineh until yeh can't see it anehmore."

Gracie thought for a moment, contemplating the new information given. "Is tha' 'ow far away the sun is?"

"Oh, it's mooch mooch further. So, even the balloon gets tha' small, imagine 'ow big the sun is if it's so far aweh and weh still see it."

She nodded slowly, her eyes widening in awe. "Wow!"

"I kno', reyht?" Alex chuckled. "It's so interestin'."

"Are weh there soon?" She asked. "I'm so excited!"


Alex caved after just one time of Gracie asking him if he'd carry her, but as soon as you were past the counter and had received your tickets, she demanded to be set down to not have his arms restricting her adventurous spirit, you and Alex following closely behind to not lose her in the dimly lit rooms the doors behind the desk led to.

"Dun't walk too far, bunneh" he drawled, taking your hand into his and squeezing it gently, intertwining your fingers. "Sooch a little explorer, isn't sheh?"

You laughed, lifting his hand to press a kiss to his knuckles. "Wonder where she got that."

He jokingly rolled his eyes, then turned his head as the dark corridor led into a room with some brighter lights, following Gracie through and arched entrance, the wonder in his eyes melting your heart and you followed his gaze, models of the planets hanging from the ceiling, glowing in the darkness.

"Woah!" Gracie called, wide-eyed and curious just like Alex, turning around to see his identical reaction. "Daddeh!"

Alex smiled and led you over to follow her. "D'yeh remember all of the names, bunneh?"

She pressed her thumb and index finger to her chin, thinking as if she was a cartoon character, her face completely focused as she looked at the planets hanging above her head. "That one is Saturn!" She declared. "It's me favourite!" Gracie threw her arms up into the air, looking at you hopefully. "I want teh beh closer to it!"

You grinned, picking her up into your arms and she gazed upward, focused, completely fascinated, turning her head to take it all in. You had to admit, it was quite the picture.

"Where's the moon?" She asked, sudden confusion spreading across her face, looking from you to Alex.

"Well, the moon's not a planet, sweet pea" Alex stated with a soft smile.

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