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A month moved by in a blink. Narcissa sends letter after letter. Each charmed for Bellatrix to hear. It took a while for the dark witch to trust Hermione to write for her. Though most of her replies were her asking for another visit. When Draco got word of the many visits between his mother and Hermione, he ask her if she was tricking his mother for something. Narcissa handled that problem. 

Hermione just sat down at the kitchen table with the newspaper and a hot cup of tea when a door opened and then slammed shut. The teacup ratted as her living corridor door opened with force. The glasses she had on for reading slid down her nose as she jerked up to see who it was. Maze was in tears. A crumpled letter in her hand.


"I've been given up!" The paper crinkled more.


The girl ran to the couch she was sitting on. Tears ran down her face. Thrusting the paper to Hermione before falling face-first on the couch over the armrest. With a feeling of dread, the woman read the letter. In beautiful cursive writing was Maze's name.

Dear Maze Cobble,

Unfortanily due to the situation we have decided to revoke our decision on fostering you. We can no longer care for the six children living in our home. The many cases of accidental magic are unacceptable and expensive to get our home up to code and safe for the other children in this home. We must look after our own and keep them safe. We apologize and wish you the best for the next home.

The paper blew up in flames. Her eyes looked at the crying girl. Without thinking she pulled the girl into her arms. Letting the student latch on like a koala bear. Her own eyes filled with tears. Mind was still processing the letter.

"I don't understand. This time the foster family were half-bloods, husband, and wife. They know a 12-year-old is still learning how to control."

The hold Hermione had on her tightened. Heartbreaking that they did this, and the reason was downright lame.

"Granger, I don't wish to alarm you but I can't see!"

The little body around her froze.

"That's because you're blind!"

"Not the point!" The owner of the voice slowly walked around the corner into view. "What I mean is that I learned this layout. I figured out how many steps there are from the kitchen to the couch, from the bathroom to the bedroom. When to lift my feet because the kitchen is a step below the rest of the rooms for some reason! Yet I can't find the damn dresser in the bedroom!"

Hermione giggled. "I'm sorry I forgot I rearranged the rooms."

"Rooms!" The dark witch glared. "You did it on purpose!" A blacktip finger pointed in her direction angrily.

This time Hermione gave a full belly laugh. The student, still around her, giggled slightly. Bellatrix's ears flexed at the second giggle. Nose picking up on the familiar scent.


Maze stopped laughing. Eyes looking at the madwoman questionably. "You know me?" She looked at Hermione. Reading her expression. Maze knew Bellatrix was dangerous and supposedly dead. Hermione kept looking at Maze and then Bellatrix hoping things won't get out. The professor she was hugging seemed like everything was normal. That didn't stop her heart from beating fast and her hold on the woman tightened in fear. Bellatrix was a madwoman, any sane person would tremble in fear. Yet Hermione Granger, who Bellatrix carved and cursed multiple times sat calmly. She gave a tiny smile when she looked at the woman.

"Of course, I know you! When you dine here with Hermione to escape your common room you sneak me bits of your meal."


Bella nodded happily. Going back to her hyena form carefully navigating around the room to the two. Maze was shocked when she got to them. The psycho woman hopped on the sofa going back to herself pulling Maze and Hermione into a hug.

"She's not evil like we were to believe Maze. Bella was protecting her sisters. A weird and twisted way, but protecting them. Plus I have her wand and the rooms have a sensor around them."

"She took my magic' is what she's saying. I can't even do a simple heating charm."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I let you turn into a hyena."

"So you can watch me and parade me around campus." She growled out.

Hermione chuckled. "You enjoy the scared gasp the children give when we walk by."

Maze watched the older woman turn away. Her head tilted up and her arms crossed. "Knowing I scare those little snots is a plus I guess." The raven-hair-witch turned back to the two. "Now I love seeing you cub but why are you here? Is today a scheduled visit I didn't know about?"

The young Slytherin slowly placed her hand on Bellatrix's arm. Trailing down to her hand, running her fingers over Bellatrix's palm and fingers. The older Slytherin didn't move. Her sightless eyes not blinking. 

"I'm going back to the orphanage. The family that is fostering me is giving up. They don't want the trouble I bring anymore." 

In a flash, Bellatrix pulled Maze to her. Yanking her close and struggling to stand. Hermione watched with wide eyes as the older witch stood with Maze in her arms and spun. 

"What a load of shit they are!" She stopped spinning. "You are a great kid! You don't need them."

It was a slight seeing the weak-looking woman old the 12-year-old like a five-year-old. Hermione sat on the couch watching the two interact. Bella held Maxe like a child. Goofing off, spinning her around, making dramatic dips giggling, and talking about random things. She grabbed the forgotten tea in front of her. Enjoying the giggles Maze let out around Bellatrix. Hermione called a book over to her and finding the right page she started reading.


She looked up at the two. Maze was dangling sideways in Bella's arms, red-faced, grinning widely.

"I have an idea. I must discuss it with you." Bellatrix didn't even turn to her. Hermione knew what she was thinking. She was already thinking about it.

Bella put Maze down gently. Groaning as her body cracked and stretched wrong. Maze giggled as the older woman patted her on the back of her head. "Head back to your room cub. Professor and I must talk."

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