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Hermione was gone. Shopping for thing for her classroom. At home there could be a war. Hermione didn't know or wanted to know yet. She just needed to go finish shopping.

Ginny was not happy, nor was Bellatrix. Hermione did say she could have said no. Looking at the laughing mental woman she realized she should have said no. Or even better should have body locked the woman and have flooed to the ministry. Getting rid of the woman for Hermione.

"Mud-lover." Bellatrix sat on the couch. Leg crossed at the knee. Arms crossed with small glare.


"Yes I am." The smile was sharp. Sent shivers down Ginny's back.

She backed up watching the woman's skin turn gold and spoted. Ears grew up and wide. Smiles stretched out showing sharper teeth. Her cackling got worse as she stood on all fours. Ginny didn't know what to do. In panic she got on top of the fridge. Hermione didn't tell her that Bellatrix was an animagus. Let alone what she was even. She just prayed that her friend got back fast and that Bellatrix wouldn't (kinda hoped honestly) escape. She wanted a very strong butterbeer after this, and a promise to never leave her alone with Bellatrix bloodily Lestrange.

Bellatrix laughed. Trotting in the same circles. She knew where things were. The ginger was on top of the fridge. She could easily keep looking up there acting like she knew 100% what she was doing. Hermione would come back by the fireplace and she would change back acting like she did nothing but verbally insult the youngest Weasley.


The first class of the day was great. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw took notes, asked questions but overall they were nice to one another. The glares they shared was due to Hermione calling on someone else instead. Second class had Hermione wishing she had Minerva's glare down. She had them reading the first part of the chapter, letting them see if they understood before going over in class. Her brown eyes watched unhappily as a gryffindor pulled his wand sending a hiccuping jinx to a 2nd year Slytherin.

"Mr. Pithon 10point for jinxing a fellow classmate."

"Oh nice I got us points guys." He smiled.

Hermione honestly didn't know if he was playing dumb or not. "No Mr. Pithon you lost points."

"Why? It's a silly jinx and it's not distracting anyone. We're all done reading."

"Silly jinx, harmless hex, a slip of the tongue during a practiced battle. It's always ended the same. Someone gets sent to the hospital wing and another gets detention with flinch or expelled from this school." The boy sunk into his seat. Red ears focusing on his book.

By her third class Hermione was tired. Mentally noteing to give Minerva a hug and a mouth full of apologies. This time a sixth year Ravenclaw didn't stop flirting with her. His friends kept elbowing him hyping him up after a horrid punchline. The Hufflepuffs felt bad. They did what they were told and did try to stop him.

"Mason stop. Miss. Granger can send you to detention."

"Then why isn't she?" He looked back to the front. "Hermione during dinner I think you and I should go up to the owlery for some harmless stargazing." He winked.

The hufflepuff girl groaned. Leaning forwards hitting her head against her desk. A few Ravenclaws did the same. She smiled at him, making sure it was bright and beautiful. He blushed smiling back.

"Detention with Hagrid tonight."

The class broke out in laughter. The boy blushed. She turned back to the board starting the lesson again. With her back turned he raised his wand moving it slowly mumbling a color changing hex. His friends guarded him, stopping anyone from stopping the embarrassed boy. As the last syllable was on his tongue a high laughter filled the room. Having him mess up sending the spell to himself.

"Merlin's beard!" 

Hermione turned to Mason again. Confused on why he was a bright purple. She followed where his wand was pointed. The hyena laughed more. Snout pulled back showing off fangs. Without thinking she placed her hand between it's ears scratching it. The class watched with wonder as the hyena closed it black eyes groaning as it was getting attention.

"Class this is Carina my familiar." The hyena let out another round of laughter.

The news spread like while fire. Students in the next classes all stayed on their best behavior. Eyes looking from Hermione to Carina. All eyes watched as Hermione and Carina walked to the head table. Jaw slacked eyes wide. Some kids poured pumpkin juice down their vest. One third of the golden trio had a hyena as a familiar. It wasn't normal nor allowed. All eyes watched as they made it the head table.  All held their breath waiting to see how the headmistress would react. 

"How were classes?"

"First few I had to give out detention. After Mr. Mason saw Carina things calmed down. They listened and feared that I would have sent her after them."

Minerva laughed. The staff and students slowly looked away. It looked like Hermione was going to be able to keep Carina. Mason glared at the odd creature. His purple skin was less vibrant now.

"Hopefully you learned your lesson."

"Shut up Kyle!"

Most Ravenclaws looked up at the laughter. The hyena's black eyes were looking at them. They all shiver going back to their meal.


It was peaceful. It was hogsmeade weekend and no more student trouble for a while. Grading papers had Hermione a bit worried for the older kids. The first and second years she gave some leeway. The sixth years had her begin planning a tutoring hour. Bellatrix laid on the floor. Being in her animagus form all day was tiring. Once back in the teachers sleeping corridors she laid on her belly falling asleep without changing back. Now she was in pain on the floor.

"Come on. I'll help you to the bed."

She didn't need to be told twice. With a curled lip Bellatrix lifted her hand waiting for the girl to grab it. She was not prepared for Hermione to pick her up so easily.

"Sorry." Hermione blushed. Bellatrix might not have noticed how close they truly were.

"Right. Tell me where the bedroom is. I can take myself."

"I can take you until you remember. It's fine."

"No." Bellatrix growled.

Hermione rolled her eyes. Though the commotion outside the room gained their attention. Bellatrix shifted back to her hyena self. Allowing Hermione to guide her to the noise. The lioness opened her door looking around the classroom. The door rattled a bit before the door was thrown open. The jinxed Slytherin from yesterday didn't notice them. Too busy trying to keep the door shut. Bellatrix sat down looking towards the noise. Hermione made her way to the student. Pulling her student back and behind her letting in whatever was on the other side. Pithon and some friends ran into her. Making the Slytherin fall.

The Griffindore's blanched. Red face staring at the professor.

"Hello Mr. Pithon."

"Hello professor.."

"How are you today?" She smiled the soft clicks of Bellatrix's claws had the boys shiving.

"Busy. We should go."

"Yes you should." They ran away. Down the hall. Far from her. Sighing, she turned around. Eyebrows raised at the girl. She was sitting on the floor hiccuping again. Her curly brown hair charmed into a short spiky neon pink. Bellatrix nuzzling the girl. Groans and giggles sent to comfort. It seemed to be working. The student was giggling back. Scratching the furry chin and behind the ears.

"Hello Carina." She let them be, walking around them back to her room. Getting tea and biscuits ready. More laughter came by from the two. "Come on you two."

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