Ch. 7

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Hermione held the forms in her hand. Early that morning she stopped at the ministry asking to speak to the adoption agency. The man at the front desk was red-faced as he struggled to give her directions and who to ask for. It took her a total of 35 minutes to find the correct door and the right person. The woman was sweet and filled Hermione with confusion seeing the woman who was a softer and polite version of Umbridge. The Gryffindor was even more shocked to know this was Umbridge's niece.

"This will be the paperwork you would fill out if you wish to adopt." She slid the thick paper over. "This is the paperwork if you want to foster. It's all in the same packet but the first half is fostering permanently until the child is of age or gets adopted. The other half is part-time fostering. You will be in charge of the child during school. Any, and all documents that need to be looked over will be your responsibility. Along with clothing and school supplies. During the summer break, they will be back in the orphanage."

The nice Umbridge smiled hands folding under her chin keeping her head up. "Do you have any questions?"

Hermione looked at the papers. "How long is the grace period?"

The woman's smile slipped slightly. "The entire process takes about a month to finalize. At any point, during that period, if you come to the conclusion that fostering is not for you send us an owl and we'll stop the setup. We prefer that to be a week after handing the papers in." The woman sat back in her chair. Her eyes were full of understanding sorrow. "We want the people to know 100% that they can do this before filling out any of the paperwork. It's cruel to give kids hope and then crush it."

Hermione sat the packets down on her coffee table. She combed a hand threw her hair. Fixing and fluffing her hair. This was a lot to think about. She got the papers just to look. Now she's making a pro and con list. Five for both.

Bellatrix sat on the armchair in the sunlight. Her eyes closed enjoying the warmth. She and Hermione talked a little about the M.O.M. trip. She was all for it. She wanted Maze to be under their protection. Hermione though talked about all the responsibility it was to foster or adopt. So far the only bit of argument Bella could give was that Maze would be under the protection of the House of Black. "No one messes with a Black. It's a death wish." Hermione wacked her with the papers telling her that doesn't work most of the time. "Harry is the head of the House of Black of now. If we go with your plan you'll be arrested and won't ever see Maze again." Sticking her tongue out Bella turned and sat in the chair she was lounging in.

"Bellatrix I need to know. If I fill out the fostering paperwork what will you do to help take care of Maze?"

The dark witch turned to the younger woman. "Cissa has the Black vault key. I'll write her that I permit you to take whatever amount of gallons you need to pay for Maze's supplies. Books, clothes, cauldrons, quills, parchment, and whatever she desires."

Hermione bristled. "I can afford all of that also. The ministry gave us plenty of gold after the war."

"I'm not saying you can't. I hate this but you're right. I can't do much without being caught. Paying for her supplies will be the one thing I know I can't muck up."

The younger woman nodded slowly. The Black vault will have more than they will need. It still felt like a hand out though. Hermione messed up her hair again. "Bellatrix you should know that even without your vault Maze trust you. Besides helping with financing you could be there for her to talk to."

Bellatrix turned her head away from where Hermione stood hiding her blush. A kid trusting her. What a crazy wonderful thing.

"Listen I'm going to meet with Harry and Ron at the Hogs Head today. It's Hogsmeade week. Tomorrow if you want I can take you. We can talk more about this later tonight or tomorrow."

 Bella sat in the chair. Not responding as she thought about Maze and Hermione. The idea of being some wanky unlikely family filled her with joy. She always wanted to be a mother. Was it ever going to happen? Unlikely. The day Bellatrix admits that she likes the muddy girl (even just a little) will be when she's on her deathbed. She really needs to talk to her sister about this. Maybe Hermione can give her and Narcissa the space to talk about these unnatural thoughts.


Hermione was the last one at the pub. Her two best friends already had a table. They sat more in the back corner. Aberforth gave her a nod before tilting his head to her friends. Once she sat down a cup of butterbeer appeared in front of her and the little sound of the pub had vanished. Harry raised his mug at the barkeep in thanks. Ron took a sip of his drink before greeting Hermione. Harry slid his chair closer to the girl. One strong arm wrapped around her pulling her into a hug.

"Missed you, Mione. How have things been?" His green eyes looked at her pointedly. His dropped as he whispered. "Ginny told me about the hyena."

"Great and dreadful." She slipped a paper into his pocket. "Tell you more later."

Ron placed his mug down, clearing his throat. "Mione, it's been too long. Mum and Dad miss you. Wanted me to tell you they say hi and to write more."

She smiled. "I miss them also. I'll them later in the week. How have my boys been?" she looked at them with a warm smile.

Both Ron and Harry blushed and smiled. Ron puffed his chest out. "We're getting promoted. I'm going up a position and Harry is going up two."

"That's wonderful! Just please be safe. As fun as it was to see I don't Molly and Fleur to go all mother hens on the both of you two again after that time you didn't listen nor do any research on where they were sending you."

Harry laughed. "That was a great way to find out about Fleur and Bill expecting."

"Harry, they didn't even know until Ginny joked about being a mother hen." She looked at him as if he told her he didn't study for a test.

Ron laughed. "Seeing Mum faint was funny. Six sons and one daughter yet knowing she's going to be a grandmother is what makes her faint."

"I'll make sure to tell Molly how funny you thought that was." Hermione gave him a wicked smile and took a slip of her butterbeer. Both Harry and her laughing as Ron stuttered trying to explain himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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