Chapter 46

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There are surreal moments that happen in life that you can't prepare for. Seeing my father in that casket is one of them. Knowing I will never get to talk to him or hear his voice again, hurt. Yet, I know I can't put the blame entirely on him. I chose not to contact them, just like they chose not to reconnect with me.

It all seems so pointless now, the arguments, the anger, the need to prove a point. So much time lost that will remain lost forever. My mother squeezes my hand and I smile at her. Oh, how I wish I could turn back time. I doubt I would have reacted differently but just to hear his voice, to know she's well again, but that's a dream, and don't wish to dream anymore.

I expected to just offload whatever is in my head or troubling my heart, but upon seeing my father, my mind is a complete blank. None of it matters now because he's truly gone. Instead, I kneel in front of the casket and bow my head in prayer.

A hand comes to rest on my shoulder. I half expect it to be Cat or my mother, but it is the undertaker. "We will open up the viewing to the public when the family is ready."

I nod my head and stand.

Cat is chatting away amicably with my Mom who looks so calm and at peace. I'm so grateful she had this lucid moment to say goodbye. I hope it lasts, but I know not to raise my hopes too high.

"They need to open the viewing up to the public soon," I inform my mother. Her expression grows sad, knowing it is time and she must go.

"I wish I could stay with you," she tells me.

"I wish you could too, but we both know they won't allow it."

"I know," my mother says, resigned. She grabs hold of Cat's hand, "Take good care of my baby, will you?"

"I promise," Cat says smiling up at me and I smile back. I don't know what I would do, or if would have survived this ordeal if it wasn't for these two beautiful women in front of me.

My mother stands and gives me a tight hug. "It's not goodbye for us, Mom," I say, squeezing her back.

"I know, I just hate leaving you to deal with all of this. I wish I could..." Her eyes fill with tears and I hold on to her tighter.

"Don't do that to yourself, Mom. You were here when I needed you the most. You've gotten to say your goodbyes That's all that matters. I'm all grown up and I can, despite what you witnessed earlier; I can take care of myself."

"And he has me. I promise not to leave his side," Cat tells my mom, who reaches over to pull Cat into our hug.

"And I am so grateful that he does." She kisses Cat's cheek.

"Ready, Mrs. Bragin?"

My mother glances briefly at the men who brought her here and nods. I give her a kiss. "We'll visit you soon. I promise."

She gives us one last squeeze and joins the men. One takes her by the arm and they leave out the side door. Cat's arms are still wrapped around me.

"You sure you're okay? You know, for the rest of this?"

"I am because I have to be. There is no one left to represent the family."

"I know, but I'm sure people would understand if you're too overcome."

"No, I have to do this, Cat. It's what my father wanted."

"Alright then," Cat nods to the undertaker, and the doors open wide to a room filled with people who came to say goodbye.

They file in as I stand beside the casket. I am regaled with story after story of what a great man my father was. How he helped so many people at different times, for different reasons. What a hard worker he was. That he was the best boss they could ever ask for. Over and over, they sing his praises. It would seem where he failed in his family life, he flourished in his professional life. His loss truly moved people, and it pained them to know he is gone.

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