Chapter 1

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You ever have a moment where you feel all is right with the world? A moment where you forget about the past and don't worry about the future? A moment that you can just be present and at peace because in this one moment you are... happy?

For me, this is that moment. Here is good, very good. My smile grows in contentment as I look down at the sleeping form of Cat Fischer, my now fiancée. Her head is on my chest. I feel her breath caress my skin. Her arm is lazily resting across my midsection, while her leg is casually thrown over mine. She has me cuddled up like her favorite stuffed bear.

I don't know how I got this lucky to have this beautiful, smart, and sexy woman by my side. However, right now I'm just grateful that she is. I stroke her hair and kiss the top of her head and she nuzzles against me, stirring only slightly, and I chuckle.

She doesn't want to move and honestly neither do I, but another day beckons.

"Cat? Caaaat?"... Nothing. She is not budging. She just snuggles in a little more and I wrap my arms around her and feel her smile against my chest.

"You're not fooling anyone. You know that, don't you?"

"I don't want to get up. I want to stay here, right here with you," she whines. "Can't we just forget the rest of the world exists for a little while?"

My mouth turns up at the corner, and I shake my head at her. "The problem with that Cat is I really have no willpower to fight you, but you, unlike me, have a grade point average you need to keep up."

"Uhhhh!" she groans and rolls over onto her back and contemplates the ceiling. "Sometimes life is so unfair."

I roll to my side and kiss her cheek. "Why don't I make breakfast this morning? So you can take your time getting ready."

She turns her head and looks at me, she still looks tired and I know I'm partially to blame and it's hard not to feel guilty although she's told me a million times that she doesn't care but I think something needs to change.

"Okay," she concedes. I kiss her again and then her belly, and she laughs at me as she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Good morning, little one," I whisper against her skin, before hopping out of bed.

Her eyes don't leave me as I move about the room and get dressed. I don't know how she does it, but she can turn me on with just a look. I let out a slow sigh. "Cat, you keep looking at me like that and you're going to miss ALL your morning classes."

Cat giggles. "Then you need to work on looking less attractive because you are far too distracting. Eat some donuts or something, will you? It's not fair I'm the only one gaining weight."

I mess up my hair and half untuck my shirt ... "This better."

"No, now you just look like you usually do right after I kiss you."

I laugh hard at this because she's right. I probably do because she loves to play with my hair when she kisses me and untucks my shirt so she can touch my skin because she knows it drives me wild. I fix my clothes and finger comb my hair.

"Fine. I'm just going to leave the room so you have no more excuses to stay in bed."

She lets out a long audible sigh. "If you must." She finally gets out of bed. I go to walk past her and she takes hold of my wrist and pulls me towards her.

She grabs my face and kisses me and I melt as she runs her fingers through my hair, but when she starts to untuck my shirt, I gently push her hands away.

"Cat," I chuckle. "We will not make it to class if you keep this up."

She sighs and shrugs, laughing as I now look exactly like I did before. "Fine," she says with a wave of her hand. "Off with you," but then she stretches in front of me, purposely arching her back, knowing the movement shows off her chest.

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